Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science

(avery) #1

Special Bacteriologic Media continued Clinical Microbiology Review 154


Thiosulfate citrate bile salts
sucrose (TCBS) agar

Bordet-Gengou agar

Regan-Lowe agar

Buffered charcoal-yeast
extract (BCYE) agar

Human blood bilayer Tween
(HBT) agar

High pH inhibits most bacteria. V. choleraeferments sucrose,
produces yellow colonies. V. parahaemolyticus& V. vulnificus
don’t ferment sucrose; usually produce blue-green colonies.

Potato-glycerol-based medium enriched with blood. Contam-
inants inhibited by methicillin. “Cough plate.” Bordetella
colonies resemble mercury droplets.

Charcoal agar supplemented with horse blood, cephalexin, &
amphotericin B.

Yeast extract & L-cysteine enhance growth of Legionella.
Charcoal absorbs toxic compounds.

Incubate in ↑CO 2 for 48 hr. Colonies are beta hemolytic.

Selective for Vibrio

Selective enrichment medium for
isolation of Bordetella pertussis

Selective for B. pertussis

Enrichment medium for isolation of

Selective & differential for G. vaginalis
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