Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science

(avery) #1

Vibrioand Related Organisms Clinical Microbiology Review 192


Vibrio cholerae

Vibrio vulnificus

“Rice water” stools.
Oxidase pos. Motile.
Serological ID with
antisera to O ag. O1 &
O139 strains cause
epidemics. El Tor bio-
type causes most cases
worldwide. Notify pub-
lic health department,
send for confirmation.

Oxidase pos. Motile.

Cholera (acute diarrhea,
dehydration, electrolyte im-
balance). Transmitted by
contaminated water, seafood.
Uncommon in U.S., but may
be seen in coastal areas.

2nd most serious type of
vibrio infection. Immuno-
compromised or individuals
with liver disease: septicemia
following consumption of
raw oysters, water-associated
wound infections. Healthy
individuals: gastroenteritis.
Seen in U.S.

Small comma-shaped
GNR in direct smears;
straight pleomorphic
GNR in culture.

Straight or curved

Nonhalophilic (doesn’t
require NaCl for growth).
Grows on SBA, CHOC,
MAC (NLF). Large yellow
colonies on TCBS (fer-
ments sucrose). Alkaline
peptone water (APW) can
be used for enrichment.

Halophilic (salt loving,
requires addition of Na+).
Most are green on TCBS;
some are yellow. May
look like enteric on
MAC because some are
lactose pos.

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