Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science

(avery) #1

Fungal Culture Media Clinical Microbiology Review 267


For isolation
Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA)

Sabouraud dextrose agar with antibiotics

Brain-heart infusion agar

Brain-heart infusion agar with antibiotics

Inhibitory mold agar

Dermatophyte test medium

For identification
Potato dextrose agar

Cornmeal agar with Tween 80

Urea agar

Birdseed agar (niger seed or caffeic agar)

General medium. pH 5.6 inhibits bacteria. Grows most molds & yeast.

Antibiotics inhibit fungal contaminants & bacteria. Dermatophytes & most fungal
pathogens grow.

For isolation & conversion of dimorphic fungi from mold to yeast phase. Used for normally
sterile specimens.

Selective medium used for isolation of pathogenic fungi from specimens contaminated
with bacteria.

For recovery of fungi from specimens contaminated with bacteria. Contains chloram-
phenicol & gentamicin to inhibit bacteria.

For recovery of dermatophytes from skin, hair, nails. Turn agar from yellow to red.
Antibiotics inhibit bacteria.

Stimulates sporulation of molds. Good for slide cultures.

To differentiate Candidaspecies. C. albicansproduces chlamydospores.

Detection of urease production by C. neoformans.

Isolation of C. neoformans. Black-brown colonies in 4–7 days.
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