Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science

(avery) #1

Yeastcontinued Clinical Microbiology Review 272


Malassezia furfur

Pneumocystis jiroveci

Yeasts can be identified by carbohydrate assimilation.

In skin infections, usually not cultured.
Identified by KOH prep of skin scrap-
ings. “Spaghetti & meatball” appear-
ance. In systemic infections, recovered
from blood cultures. Will only grow
on media overlaid with fatty acid,
e.g., sterile mineral or olive oil.

Can’t be cultured. Dx by histopatholog-
ical staining. Opportunistic infection in
AIDS & other immunocompromised
patients. Formerly P. carinii& classified
as a protozoan.

Tinea versicolor. Systemic
infection in children given
lipid replacement therapy

Atypical interstitial plasma
cell pneumonia (PCP)

Oval or bottle-shaped budding
yeast, 3–8 μm in diameter. Charac-
teristic collar between mother &
daughter cells. Chains of short,
slightly curved septate hyphae may
be seen in skin scrapings.

Cysts are 4–12 μm spheres with
intracystic bodies.
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