Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science

(avery) #1

Granulocytic Maturation Hematology Review 314


Myeloblast 15–20 m. Small amount of dark blue cytoplasm. Usually no granules. Nucleus has delicate chromatin with nucleoli.

Promyelocyte 12–24 m. Similar to myeloblast but has primary (nonspecific) granules.

Myelocyte 10–18 m. Secondary (specific) granules (eosinophilic, basophilic, or neutrophilic). Last stage to divide.

Metamyelocyte 10–18 m. Nucleus begins to indent.

Band 10–16 m. Nuclear indentation is more than half.

Segmented neutrophil 10–16 m. 2–5 nuclear lobes connected by thin strands of chromatin.
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