Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science

(avery) #1

Manual Hematology Procedurescontinued Hematology Review 328


Tube solubility
screening test for
Hemoglobin S

Osmotic fragility

(DL) test

Screening for
Hgb S

Dx of hereditary

Dx of paroxys-
mal cold

Blood mixed with reducing agent, e.g.,
sodium dithionite. Hgb S is insoluble,
produces turbid solution that obscures
black lines behind tube.

Blood added to serial dilutions of NaCl &
incubated. Amount of hemolysis deter-
mined by reading absorbance of super-
natant from each tube.

Blood collected in 2 clot tubes. Tube 1
incubated at 4°C, then 37°C. Tube 2 in-
cubated at 37°C only. Pos = hemolysis in
Tube 1, none in Tube 2.

Not specific for Hgb S. Doesn’t differentiate
SS from AS. Follow up with hgb elec-

↑in hereditary spherocytosis. ↓with target
cells, sickle cell anemia, iron deficiency ane-
mia, thalassemia.

Rare autoimmune hemolytic anemia due to
biphasic antibody (autoanti-P) that binds
complement to RBCs in capillaries at <20°C
& elutes off at 37°C. Complement remains
attached & lyses cells.

CRP = C-reactive protein.

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