Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science

(avery) #1

Hematology Calculationscontinued Hematology Review 340


Rules of Three:

RBC ¥3 = HGB ±0.5
HGB ¥3 = HCT ±3%

Manual Cell Count:

Cells/mm^3 (μL) = # cells counted ¥depth factor
(always 10) ¥reciprocal of dilution ¥reciprocal of
area counted (mm^2 )

Absolute WBC = total WBC ¥relative count
(% from differential)

Corrected WBC =

uncorrected WBC 100
+ NRBCs per 100 WBCs



What should the HGB be if the RBC is 4.1 ¥ 1012 /L?

HGB = 4.1 ¥3 = 12.3 ±0.5 = 11.8–12.8 g/dL

What should the HCT be if HGB is 12.3 g/dL?

HCT = 12.3 ¥ 3 =36.9 ± 3 =33.9%–39.9%

Calculate the CSF WBC count if 18 WBCs are counted in 9 mm^2 on 1 side of a
Neubauer hemacytometer, using undiluted CSF.

WBCs/μL = 18 ¥ 10 ¥ 1 ¥1/9 = 20

Calculate the absolute lymphocyte count if the total WBC is 10 ¥ 109 /L & there are
70% lymphocytes.

Absolute count = 10 ¥0.70 = 7 ¥ 109 /L

The automated hematology analyzer reports a WBC of 30 ¥ 109 /L. The technologist
counts 115 NRBCs per 100 WBCs while performing the differential. What is the cor-
rected WBC?

Corrected WBC =^30100 = 14 ¥ 109 /L
+ 115


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