Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science

(avery) #1

Labeling Requirements for Blood

and Components

Immunohematology Review 431

  • ISBT 128 bar-code symbology

  • Name of product

  • Method of preparation (whole blood, apheresis)

  • Storage temperature

  • Preservatives/anticoagulant

  • Number of units in pooled components

  • Name, address, registration number, & license number
    of collection & processing facility

  • Expiration date (& time if applicable). When expiration
    time not indicated, expiration is at midnight.

    • Identification number for unit or pool

    • Donor category (volunteer, autologous)

    • ABO group & Rh type, if applicable.

    • Special handling information

    • Statements regarding recipient identification, Circular
      of Information, infectious disease risk, & prescription

    • Autologous units: “For Autologous Use Only.”
      Biohazard label if any infectious disease markers are
      pos or “Donor Untested” if testing not performed.

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