Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science

(avery) #1

General Sources of Error with Reagent Strip


Urinalysis and Body

Fluids Review 492


Failure to test within 2 hr of collection
or to preserve correctly

Failure to bring refrigerated specimens
to RT before testing

Failure to mix specimen well

Failure to follow manufacturer’s

Failure to dip all test pads in urine

Prolonged dipping

Failure to remove excess urine from strip

Failure to read at recommended time

Failure to compare to color chart or
read in good light

Failure to store strips properly

WBCs, RBCs settle out.

Reagents may leach from pads.

Store in capped original container at RT.

Changes in chemical composition

False-neg enzymatic rxns

False-neg leukocyte, blood

Erroneous results

False-neg rxns

False-neg rxns

Runover of chemicals to adjacent
pads, distortion of colors

Erroneous results

Erroneous results

Erroneous results

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