Quick Review Cards for Medical Laboratory Science

(avery) #1

Other Types of Microscopy Laboratory Operations Review 39


Light Microscopes


Interference contrast

Phase contrast


Identification of live Treponema pallidum&
other microorganisms

Direct & indirect fluorescent antibody
stains in microbiology & immunology

Wet mounts

Manual platelet counts, urine sediments
(good for hyaline casts)

Identification of crystals in urine & synovial
fluid. Confirmation of fat or oval fat bodies
in urine sediment.

Brightfield microscope with special condenser. Objects appear
white against black background.

Brightfield microscope with 2 special filters. Fluorescent
dyes absorb light of 1 wavelength & emit light of longer
wavelength. Objects appear green, yellow, or orange against
black background.

Brightfield microscope with special slit aperture below con-
denser, polarizer, & special amplitude filter (modulator) in back
of each objective. Gives 3-D effect to unstained specimens.

Brightfield microscope with phase condenser & phase objec-
tives. Subtle differences in refractive index converted to
clear-cut variations of light intensity & contrast. Good for
living cells, unstained specimens.

Brightfield microscope with 2 crossing filters—polarizing
filter below condenser, analyzer between objective & eye-
piece. Objects that can refract light (birefringent) appear
white against black background.

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