PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION: A contemporary introduction

(avery) #1

If Tim is Tom’s father, then Tom is not Tim’s father; being a father, being a
mother, being a parent are irrefiexive relations.
It will be useful to have two further ways of talking about relations. Let
us say that if X has R to Y then X has R forwardly to Y, and that Y has R
backwardly to X. Reflexive relations between X and Y are had both
forwardly and backwardly by both X and Y. Irrefiexive relations between X
and Y are had only forwardly by X and only backwardly by Y.

General structure

The general structure – the logical skeleton, as it were – of Aquinas’s
arguments, typically called the “Five Ways,” as we will see, can be
expressed either as:

1 There is an X and a Y such that X bears relation R to Y.
2 Either (a) there is an infinite series of items such that each member
has R both forwardly to something and backwardly to something, or
(b) there is some item that has R only forwardly.
3 Not-(a). So:
4 (b).

or as

1 There is an X and a Y such that X has R to Y.
2 Either (a) there is an infinite series of items such that each member
has R both forwardly to something and backwardly to something, or
(b) there is some item that has Y only forwardly.
3 If (a) then (b).
4 If not-(a) then (b). So:
5 (b).

Chronological versus concurrent causes

If we are to understand Aquinas, it is important to distinguish between
what we will call chronological versus concurrent causes.

Definition 3: X is a chronological cause of Y if and only if X’s doing
something or having some quality at some time before T
is necessary for Y at T.

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