PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION: A contemporary introduction

(avery) #1

11 T has already occurred.
12 If T has already occurred, then nothing exists now. So:
13 Nothing exists now (from 10 through 12).
14 If for all X, X’s non-existence is possible, then nothing exists now (from 4
through 12).
15 It is false that nothing exists now. So:
16 It is false that for all X, X’s non-existence is possible.
17 If it is false that for all X, X’s non-existence is possible, then something
exists whose non-existence is impossible. So:
18 Something exists whose non-existence is impossible (from 16 and 17).

Aquinas’s Third Way is read in different ways. Aquinas is read as saying either:

(a) It is impossible that all generable things exist at every single time. ( =
Necessarily, every generable thing at some time or other does not exist.)

(b) It is impossible that, at every time whatever, some generable thing exists.
(Necessarily, at some time or other, no generable thing exists.)

Compare Necessarily, every elk passes on sooner or later; this is analogous to
(a). Consider Necessarily, at some time, there are no elk at all; this is
analogous to (b). What Aquinas needs is (b); (a) will not help him. Aquinas also

(c) It is impossible that everything that exists is a generable being.

This indication of what he requires is relevant to two fallacious inferences
he is often charged with making in the Third Way; either would, of course,
invalidate the argument.

Inference one: from A to B


A For all X, it is possible that X corrupt.
B It is possible that everything (simultaneously) corrupt.

A world W of which A is true might be one of which it was also true that:

C It is not possible that W be entirely unpopulated.

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