PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION: A contemporary introduction

(avery) #1

Annotated reading

Burrell, Donald (ed.) (1967) Cosmological Arguments, Garden City, NY: Anchor
Books. An excellent collection of historical and recent discussions of the argument.
Flew, Anthony (1966) God and Philosophy, London: Hutchinson. Philosophy of
religion done on the presumption of atheism.
Hick, John and McGill, Arthur (eds) (1967) The Many-faced Argument, New York:
Macmillan. An excellent collection of historical and recent discussions of the
ontological argument.
Haldane, J. J. and Smart, J. J. C. (1996) Theism and Atheism, Oxford: Blackwell. An
atheist and a Catholic theist argue their cases.
Plantinga, Alvin (ed.) (1974) The Ontological Argument, New York: Harper and
Row. An excellent collection of traditional, and some recent, treatments of the
Rowe, William (1975) The Cosmological Argument, Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press. Probably the best discussion of the argument.
Swinburne, Richard (1979) The Existence of God, Oxford: Clarendon Press. Argues
for the existence of God from a perspective in which the controversial idea of a
priori simplicity is important.

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