PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION: A contemporary introduction

(avery) #1

to Tedward. So either Edward at T2 is not identical to Edward at T1 or
Tedward is not identical to Edward. Identity is reflexive and transitory. The
fact, then, is that bearing relation R to one another cannot be sufficient to
make two items the same person. For any Complexity Account of Persons,
R is sufficient. Hence all of the Complexity Accounts of Persons are false.

Scenario three

Our third scenario has Edward entering a Digitator 201 (see Figure 3). This
machine is popularly called the Double Copier-Annihilator. Its
improvement over the 101 version is that it annihilates the person who
enters it but produces two copies, whom we will call Tedward and
Nedward. Each copy, of course, bears relation R to Edward. Two questions
arise. Is Tedward identical to Edward? Is Nedward identical to Edward?

Figure 2 Digitator 101X

Figure 3 Digitator 201
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