the economics of money, banking, and financial markets

(Sean Pound) #1
506 #
© 2014 Pearson Canada Inc.#

  1. The risk to the entire payments system due to the inability of one financial institution to fulfill
    its payment obligations in a timely fashion is known as ____.
    A) systemic risk
    B) the principal-agent problem
    C) moral hazard
    D) credit risk
    Answer: A
    Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 404
    Skill: Recall
    Objective List: 17.1 Characterize the framework for the implementation of monetary policy in

  2. Although transactions in the LVTS account for less than ____ of the total number of
    transactions, they account for about ____ of the value of transactions.
    A) 1 percent; 94 percent
    B) 5 percent; 90 percent
    C) 10 percent; 85 percent
    D) 20 percent; 80 percent
    Answer: A
    Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 404
    Skill: Recall
    Objective List: 17.1 Characterize the framework for the implementation of monetary policy in

  3. The Large Value Transfer System (LVTS) ____.
    A) was introduced on February 4, 1999
    B) is the core of the Canadian payments system
    C) is an electronic net settlement network designed to provide settlement to paper-based
    payments items
    D) Only A and B of the above.
    Answer: D
    Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 404
    Skill: Recall
    Objective List: 17.1 Characterize the framework for the implementation of monetary policy in

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