the economics of money, banking, and financial markets

(Sean Pound) #1
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  1. The Bank of Canada's anti-inflation policy during the 1982-1988 period can be viewed as
    one where ____ became the operating target and ____ was the intermediate target.
    A) the interest rate; the inflation rate
    B) the interest rate; the exchange rate
    C) the monetary base; the inflation rate
    D) the monetary base; the exchange rate
    Answer: B
    Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 465
    Skill: Applied
    Objective List: 18.4 Outline Bank of Canada policy procedures from a historical perspective

  2. The Bank of Canada adopted inflation targets ____.
    A) because the 1982-1988 checklist approach to policy made it difficult for the Bank to control
    money growth and inflation
    B) following a three-year campaign to promote price stability as the long-term goal of monetary
    C) by announcing explicit targets for the inflation rate, rather than for money growth
    D) All of the above.
    Answer: D
    Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 465 - 466
    Skill: Applied
    Objective List: 18.4 Outline Bank of Canada policy procedures from a historical perspective

  3. Since 1989, the Bank of Canada used ____ as the operating target and ____ as the
    ultimate goal of monetary policy.
    A) the overnight interest rate; the exchange rate
    B) the overnight interest rate; the inflation rate
    C) the monetary base; the inflation rate
    D) None of the above.
    Answer: B
    Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 466
    Skill: Applied
    Objective List: 18.4 Outline Bank of Canada policy procedures from a historical perspective

  4. In its most recent attempt in lowering the inflation rate, the Bank of Canada announces
    explicit targets for the rate of change in the CPI, because the CPI ____.
    A) is the most commonly used and understood price measure in Canada
    B) comes out monthly and without revisions, whereas other price measures are frequently
    C) Both A and B of the above.
    D) None of the above.
    Answer: C
    Diff: 1 Type: MC Page Ref: 466
    Skill: Recall
    Objective List: 18.4 Outline Bank of Canada policy procedures from a historical perspective

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