6 Juvenile Forensics
Overview 141
Defining the Age of Criminal Responsibility 142
Children/Juveniles and the Reliability of Their Courtroom Testimony 148
Best Interests of the Child Doctrine 152
Sentencing: Psychology of Juvenile Rehabilitation 156
7 Civil Forensics
Overview 161
Defining Mental Illness 163
Right to Refuse Treatment 168
Least Restrictive Alternative Doctrine 172
Duty to Inform vs Client Confidentiality 177
Victim Compensation Programs 181
Victim-Offender Mediation 186
8 Family Forensics
Overview 195
Family Trauma and the Cycle of Crime 197
Family Violence: Homicide 200
Impact of Mental Health Law Doctrines on Families: Paternalism
and Parens Patriae 206
Family Law and Emotional Rights 210
Domestic Violence 217
Gay/Lesbian Rights and Definitions of the Family 221
Corrections and Prison Practices
9 Adult Forensics
Offender s Right to Refuse Treatment