Civil Forensics
The legal system assumes an important role in the adjudication of noncriminal
matters impacting the lives of persons with mental illness. In addition, nonadjudi-
catory remedies affecting parties injured by offenders or those emotionally suffering
because of the pain they may have caused the public represent alternative societal
responses to the problem of crime and violence. Broadly defined, these are efforts
designed to produce civil justice. Psychologists assist the court system or other ad-
ministrative boards in determining how best to realize specific outcomes in this
forensic area.
There are six civil justice issues examined in this chapter. These particular top-
ics demonstrate the variety of avenues wherein forensic psychologists, invested in
the effective operation of the formal and informal court system, influence overall
decision making. Subjects investigated include (1) defining mental illness, (2) the
right to refuse (medical) treatment, (3) the "least restrictive alternative" doctrine, (4)
duty to inform versus client confidentiality, (5) victim compensation programs, and
(6) victim-offender mediation. Similar to other chapters in this textbook, emphasis
is placed on presenting a breadth of topics to canvass. This allows one to consider