
(Axel Boer) #1
Domestic Violence 217

the divorce will have a negative impact on the child; however, research on adoption
custody disputes of this nature has not been conducted.
There is ample research on the impact of divorce on children. This research has
begun to contribute to change in family law regarding custody disputes. In fact,
programs have been implemented such as the Children Cope With Divorce Program
(M. Bussey, 1996). Although research has been conducted with 2-year follow-ups
of children who have passed this program, longitudinal research to determine the
long-term effects of attending such a program would be useful for future policy
implementation. The judge involved in the program questions whether it should
be mandated across the nation; determining the long-term effects of this program
and others like it would help legislatures assess if making such programs mandatory
would be worthwhile.



Domestic violence is a pervasive social problem which plagues couples and families
nationwide. A disproportionate amount of heterosexual domestic violence is male to
female and generally affects anywhere from 2 to 28 million women. This variability
may be attributed to the ambiguity regarding what constitutes spousal abuse or
battery. Hence, definitions of domestic violence are likely to vary among existing
counties, states, and nations.
It is readily apparent that women are at an appreciably higher risk in their homes
due to the potential volatility that exists in their relationships with their intimate
partners. The preponderance of research literature aims to tease out distinct char-
acteristics of the abusers. However, perpetrators cannot be succinctly typified into
one global category because they are essentially a heterogeneous group. There is
an increased likelihood for partner-assaultive men to report childhood histories of
physical abuse. Furthermore, the laws and policies pertinent to domestic violence
offenders are continually evolving and are subject to change with new legislation.
Currently, limited efforts are being made to address issues such as prevention, in-
tervention, and the implementation of new laws and policies. The following case
studies were selected to illustrate the seriousness of this issue.

On March 23, 1991, Margaret Ann Malott shot her estranged, common-law husband
and took a taxi to his new, live-in girlfriend's trailer. She subsequently pulled out a gun
and began firing at his girlfriend, Carrie Sherwood, hitting her in the finger and head.
Margaret Ann Malott was a classic battered spouse. In her 19 years with Paul Malott, a
hulking, tattooed man who often carried a knife on his belt, she was subject to abuse
in every form imaginable: physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological. He pushed,
slapped, hit, punched, choked, whipped, and threw knives and an arrow at her and he
twice broke her nose. He told her she was a terrible mother and a terrible sexual partner.
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