Juvenile Forensics
Police involvement in the lives of juveniles has varied considerably throughout the
history of the United States. What is unmistakable, however, is that wayward youths
can and do find themselves subject to law enforcement intervention. At the core of
these interventions is a struggle over how to address the "best interests" of the child
while, at the same time, maintain the public's concern for safety, order, security, and
control. It is at this juncture that psychology assumes a pivotal role in the (successful)
outcome of law enforcement interventions with juveniles.
This chapter examines a number of critical areas where the intersection of polic-
ing and adolescent behavior generates forensic psychological controversies. Topics
explored in this chapter include (1) dealing with troubled youths, (2) policing ju-
venile gangs, (3) juvenile attitudes toward the police, and (4) adolescent female
prostitution. The issues investigated in this chapter barely scratch the surface of
where and how the interface of policing, psychology, and juvenile justice affect the
lives of officers, youthful offenders, and the public at large. As with all chapters
throughout this textbook, the intent here is to describe a number of the more
compelling crime and justice controversies identified in the field.