Adolescent Female Prostitutes: Criminals or Victims? 53
Future Research
There is a paucity of research regarding policing female adolescent prostitution.
While the research on adult female prostitution is abundant, more research must
consider the unique aspects of juvenile prostitution. The literature overwhelm-
ingly suggests that there are special emotional and psychological issues that must
be considered with this population. However, there is no research indicating what
differences occur between those adolescent prostitutes who receive psychological
services from their contact with the criminal justice system and those who do not.
Program evaluations comparing police departments that take a more rehabilitative
approach with juvenile prostitutes in comparison with those who take more of a
retributive approach are needed. Recidivism rates and suicide rates could be com
pared. Additional research on how officers view juvenile prostitutes, as criminals
or victims, would also be of great value. Research is needed on those juvenile
prostitutes who come from middle- and upper-class backgrounds. This is a grow-
ing phenomenon with seemingly different precipitating factors. Overall, female
adolescent prostitution is an area needing further research.