Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1


dilation and curettage (D&C) A surgical proce-
dure, also called dilatation and curettage, in which
the gynecologist widens the opening of the CERVIX
enough to allow passage into the UTERUSof a nar-
row scraping instrument called a curette. The
gynecologist uses the curette to gently scrape the
inside wall of the uterus, removing accumulated
BLOODand tissue that may be causing DYSFUNC-
TIONAL UTERINE BLEEDING(DUB) or that remains after
a spontaneous ABORTION (miscarriage) or an
induced abortion using abortifacients (drugs that
terminate PREGNANCY).
The doctor performs a D&C in a hospital oper-
the woman under general ANESTHESIA. The proce-
dure itself takes about 15 minutes; most women
are able to go home a few hours after, when they
have completely emerged from the effects of the
anesthesia. Discomfort similar to moderate men-
strual cramps and mild bleeding may occur for up
to two weeks after the D&C. Uncommon compli-
cations include unusual bleeding during or after
the procedure, postoperative INFECTION, and uter-
ine perforation, in which the curette penetrates
the wall of the uterus (a small wound that typi-
cally heals without intervention). Most women
are able to return to normal activities (except SEX-
UAL INTERCOURSE) within a few days though may
feel discomfort for up to a week.
Before undergoing a D&C, a woman should
confirm with her gynecologist that the benefits of
the procedure outweigh the discomfort and poten-
tial complications compared to noninvasive proce-
dures such as ULTRASOUNDfor diagnostic purposes
or medications to treat DUB. Minimally invasive
procedures such as endometrial sampling (in
which the gynecologist inserts a very thin catheter
through the cervix, without dilation, and into the

uterus to withdraw a small sample of tissue from
the uterine wall) and HYSTEROSCOPYoften can pro-
vide the same diagnostic information as would
D&C but with less risk and discomfort for the

dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) Bleeding
from the UTERUS through the VAGINAthat occurs
outside the hormonal bleeding normally associ-
ated with the MENSTRUAL CYCLE. Doctors believe
DUB results from an imbalance between ESTROGENS
and PROGESTERONE, the hormones that regulate the
menstrual cycle, which allows the endometrium
(lining of the uterus) to grow unchecked. The
excess tissue dies and sloughs away, producing
clotty bleeding.

Vaginal bleeding that saturates more
than eight pads in 24 hours for longer
than two days may signal a health con-
cern other than DUB and requires
prompt medical evaluation.

Symptoms and Diagnostic Path
Because there are numerous causes for abnormal
vaginal bleeding, DUB is a diagnosis of exclusion:
The doctor concludes the situation is one of DUB
after ruling out other possible causes for the
bleeding. The essential symptom of DUB is exces-
sive vaginal bleeding. Though the bleeding often
has the characteristics of a heavy menstrual
period, it may not follow the timing of the
woman’s menstrual cycle. Some women experi-
ence DUB as episodes of bleeding that occur
between menstrual periods and for other women
the bleeding may be fairly constant or occur with
no predictable pattern. Further symptoms of DUB

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