Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

logic causes for symptoms. Loss of inhibition, for
example, may occur as a consequence of STROKE,
high correlation between untreated HYPOTHY-
ROIDISMand bipolar disorder. When the doctor can
eliminate physical causes, the emphasis shifts to
psychologic evaluation to identify the disorder.
Because many psychologic conditions and psychi-
atric disorders have overlapping symptoms, distin-
guishing among them is often a challenge.
In the United States most providers and insur-
ance companies follow the diagnostic criteria and
treatment algorithms detailed in the American
Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, commonly called the
DSM. The current version of the DSM includes a
Roman numeral in the title to differentiate it from
previous versions; for example, DSM-IV indicates
the fourth version. Though other diagnostic crite-
ria and treatment methods are available and valid,
the DSM reflects the conventional perspective and
is widely accepted as the standard.

Treatment and Outlook for
Psychiatric Disorders and Psychologic Conditions

The mainstays of treatment for psychiatric disor-
ders and psychologic conditions are medications
and therapy. As is the case with numerous physi-
cal health conditions, treatment often cannot cure
the condition and so aims to instead manage
symptoms. A person who has HYPERTENSION(high
BLOOD PRESSURE) often needs lifelong antihyperten-
sive medications and lifestyle modifications to

support cardiovascular health (such as WEIGHT LOSS
HABITS). This therapeutic approach regulates the
body’s functions in regard to BLOOD pressure
though does not end the underlying factors caus-
ing the hypertension. Likewise, a person who has
bipolar disorder may need lifelong mood stabiliz-
ing medications in combination with PSYCHOTHER-
APYand lifestyle measures to limit exacerbations of
Combinations of different types of medications
are common because the boundaries of many
mental disorders are not clear cut and the bio-
chemical functions that underlie them are similar.
Both depression and anxiety often respond to
treatment with selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants, for example,
even though they present different symptoms. As
well, some mental disorders, such as SCHIZOPHRENIA
and bipolar disorder, have multiple components
that often require different types of medication to
moderate symptoms.
Because most psychiatric disorders and psycho-
logic conditions result from multiple factors,
including genetic and physiologic, there is usually
no way to prevent them from occurring. Many
conditions respond to treatment to manage symp-
toms so that the condition has a negligible effect
on the person’s QUALITY OF LIFE. Some short-term,
reactive, or narrowly defined conditions such as
ORDER(PTSD), or certain phobias are curable with
appropriate treatment.

358 Psychiatric Disorders and Psychologic Conditions

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