Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

of homeopathy and over 100 homeopathic hospi-
tals throughout the United States. Scientific dis-
coveries in bacteriology and disease processes that
accompanied the turn of the century marked a
turning point in the practice of medicine, how-
ever, and homeopathy soon went the way of
In the United States today practitioners of
homeopathy typically learn the philosophy and
methods through graduate classes during the
course of their conventional education or through
supplemental courses and programs they enroll in
after completing their conventional education
(though homeopathy is part of the regular cur-
riculum forNATUROPATHY). However, because fed-
eral guidelines classify most homeopathic
remedies as OVER-THE-COUNTER(OTC) DRUGS, they
are available for anyone to purchase and use.
Some remedies do contain ingredients that require
a medical doctor’s prescription. Surveys show that
most of the 6 million Americans who use homeo-
pathic remedies treat themselves without consult-
ing a health-care practitioner.
Each state regulates the practice of homeopathy.
In most states physicians (MD and DO), chiroprac-
tors (DC), naturopathic physicians (ND), and den-
tists (DDS and DMD) can make homeopathic
diagnoses and prescribe homeopathic remedies. A
few states have specific licensing requirements for
MDs and DOs who also practice homeopathy. In
Europe homeopathy remains a distinct discipline in
health care, and homeopathic physicians receive
specific training and credentialing.

Benefits and Risks of Homeopathy
Homeopathic remedies are so dilute, some as much
as one part per million, that by conventional clini-
cal standards they do not contain active ingredi-
ents. Because of this, they do not interact with
other medications or cause side effects. Aside from
the risks of improper manufacturing and potential
contamination, health experts generally regard
homeopathic remedies as safe, though some reme-
dies contain significant quantities of alcohol. FDA
regulations require homeopathic remedy labels to
list the ingredients as well as the instructions for
use (including conditions the remedy treats).
Health experts caution people to seek conven-
tional medical care for symptoms that do not

improve after five to seven days of treatment with
homeopathic remedies, the same caution they
extend for self-treatment with any over-the-
counter product. Clinical studies of homeopathic
remedies have produced mixed results, with some
studies showing no greater effect than PLACEBO(an
inactive substance) and others showing measura-
ble improvement beyond placebo effect.

human growth hormone (hGH) supplement A
controversial anti-aging approach of injecting syn-
thetic hGH to raise the body’s natural levels of this
HORMONE, known as growth hormone (GH) in its
endogenous form (the form the body naturally
produces). ThePITUITARY GLANDproduces endoge-
nous GH. GH levels are highest in childhood and
ADOLESCENCE, when the body is growing. GH stim-
ulates this growth through various biochemical
actions. GH levels stay fairly high through early to
middle adulthood, during which time GH shifts its
role to maintaining MUSCLEmass, BONEdensity, and
cardiac STRENGTH (the HEART’s ability to pump
forcefully and efficiently). By about age 50, the
pituitary gland produces less GH and levels in the
bloodstream begin to decline. The characteristic
physical changes of aging, such as increased body
fat and decreased muscle mass, begin to manifest.
OBESITYalso slows hGH release.
Some children have deficiencies of GH, usually
due to a tumor, endocrine disorder, or other dys-
function of the pituitary gland. GH deficiency in
childhood and adolescence causes stunted growth
and blocks many of the body’s normal maturation
processes. Some adults also have GH deficiencies;
hGH supplementation similarly restores body lev-
els to those needed for healthy muscles, bones,
and cardiac function. Doctors have prescribed
hGH supplementation to treat such deficiencies
since the 1970s.
Many people who support hGH supplementa-
tion as an anti-aging measure point to the success
of such treatments as evidence that hGH is safe.
Some doctors agree that there is no difference
between therapeutic hGH given to adults whose
GH levels fall before age-related declines naturally
take place; symptoms and response are the same.
Other doctors question the therapeutic value of
giving hGH to counter a process that seems purely

76 Alternative and Complementary Approaches

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