Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

tobacco use other than smoking
4: 306
tracheostomy 2: 234
virus 2: 362
zeaxanthin 4: 107
cancer of the penis 3:256, 264
cancerous tumor. Seetumor,
cancer prevention 2:212, 277,
378–380, 382–383, 391–392;
antioxidant 4: 177
antismoking efforts 4: 8
breast cancer 3: 253
cervical cancer 3 :258
colonoscopy 3: 28
DRE 3: 35
endoscopy 3: 40
esophageal cancer 3: 41
FOBT 3: 45
liver cancer 3: 71
mammogram 3: 298
prostate gland 3: 331
prostate health 3: 331
prostatitis 3: 334
PSA 3: 333
Sun’s Soup 4: 100
cancer risk factors 2: 155 , 370, 371 t,
374, 381–383, 392; 3:41, 53, 64,
82, 94; 4:22, 30
cancer treatment options and
decisions 1:176, 310, 384;
2:372–373; 4: 78
breast cancer 3: 251
cancer of the penis 3: 256
cancer vaccines 2: 373
cervical cancer 3: 257
chemotherapy 2:375–377
CIN 3: 259
endometrial cancer 3: 274
hysterectomy 3: 292
MAbs 2: 283
mastectomy 3: 299
molecularly targeted therapies
ovarian cancer 3:311–312
Paget’s disease of the breast
3: 315
prostate cancer 3: 330
prostatectomy 3: 333
radiation therapy 2:388–390
surgery for cancer 2:393–394
thyroid cancer 3: 162
cancer vaccines 2: 277 , 373; 3: 258
Candida albicans1:57, 58, 180, 181t;
2:314, 315

candidiasis 1:179; 2: 289 , 314–315,
315 t, 334
canker sore 1:14; 4: 73
cannabis 4: 312 , 326–327, 327 t
Cannabis sativa4:326, 327
canned foods 2:312, 313
CA-125 (cancer antigen 125) 2:373
capillary beds 2:5, 19, 24, 27, 142
carbamazepine 3:367, 377
carbohydrate intolerance
4:180–181, 185
carbohydrate loading 4:217
carbohydrate metabolism 4:180,
carbohydrates 4:190, 293
carbon dioxide 2:5, 27, 33, 119,
carbon monoxide 2:105, 230
carbuncle 1:143
carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
carcinogen 2: 231 , 374, 374 t,392;
4:43, 303, 306, 327, 353. See also
environmental carcinogens
carcinoma 2:374–375, 374 t
cardiac arrest 2: 23 , 27,87; 4: 370
cardiac capacity 2:27–28, 33 , 60 , 72
cardiac catheterization 2:28
angiogram 2: 12
angioplasty 2:12–13
atherosclerosis 2: 22
heart transplantation 2: 63
IABP counterpulsation 2: 70
medications to treat
cardiovascular disease 2: 79
minimally invasive cardiac
surgery 2: 86
radiofrequency ablation 2: 101
cardiac cycle 2:28–29
blood pressure 2: 24
coronary arteries 2: 41
ectopic beat 2: 51
EECP 2: 54
heart 2: 4
heart rate 2:60
IABP counterpulsation 2: 70
LQTS 2: 74
LVEF 2: 72
myocardial infarction 2: 87
cardiac enzymes 2:29
cardiac intensive care unit (CICU)
cardiac output 2:16, 27–30, 67, 72,
cardiac papillary fibroelastoma. See

cardiac rehabilitation 2: 29 , 30–31,
30 t,63, 73
cardiac resynchronization therapy
(CRT) 2:31
cardiac tamponade. Seetamponade,
cardiomyopathy 1:335; 2:31–33;
4: 324
cardiovascular system 2: 7
CRT 2: 31
diabetes and cardiovascular
disease 2: 49
heart sounds 2: 60
pacemaker 2: 93
pulse 2: 100
valvular heart disease 2: 113
cardiopulmonary bypass 2:33–34
CABG 2:41, 42
cardiovascular system 2: 7
congenital heart disease 2: 37
heart transplantation 2: 62
lung transplantation 2: 213
mechanical ventilation 2: 215
open heart surgery 2:90–91
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR) 2:23, 27, 47, 56, 57, 187;
body substance isolation
4: 358
cardiac arrest 4:371, 372
cardiovascular disease
prevention 4: 16
cold water drowning 4: 368
electrocution 4: 372
emergency and first aid 4:356,
frostbite 4: 376
Heimlich maneuver 4: 373
ingested toxins 4: 384
inhalation burns 4: 365
inhaled toxins 4: 385
injected toxins 4: 385
motor vehicle accidents
multiple trauma 4: 379
911 4: 371
rescue breathing 4: 369
responder safety and personal
protection 4: 358
shock 4: 367
warm water drowning 4: 370
cardiovascular disease (CVD)
1:221, 233, 335, 384; 2:34; 3:84,
243, 279, 301, 372
addiction 4: 314
aerobic capacity 4: 213

456 Index

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