Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

CABG 2:41–43
cardiac catheterization 2: 28
echocardiogram 2: 51
heart 2:4, 56
IHD 2: 70
Kawasaki disease 2: 71
myocardial infarction 2: 86
myocardium 2: 88
stent 2: 106
coronary artery bypass graft
(CABG) 2:41–43
angina pectoris 2: 12
angioplasty 2:12–13
CAD 2: 44
cardiac catheterization 2: 28
cardiac rehabilitation 2: 30
cardiovascular system 2: 7
EECP 2: 55
heart attack 2: 57
myocardial infarction 2: 87
open heart surgery 2: 90
coronary artery disease (CAD)
1:211; 2:43–45, 45 t
angina pectoris 2: 11
anticoagulation therapy 2: 14
apoB100 2: 16
arrhythmia 2: 17
atherosclerotic plaque 2: 22
CABG 2:41–43
cardiac catheterization 2: 28
cardiovascular disease
prevention 4: 15
cholesterol, dietary 4: 181
coagulation 2: 136
coronary arteries 2: 41
diet and cardiovascular health
2: 50
exercise and health 4: 221
fitness: exercise and health
4: 210
heart attack 2: 58
heart failure 2: 58
heart transplantation 2: 63
heredity and heart disease 2: 64
homocysteine 2: 64
hyperlipidemia 2: 64
IHD 2: 70
medications to treat
cardiovascular disease 2: 76
myocardial perfusion imaging
2: 87
myocardium 2: 88
obesity and cardiovascular
disease 2: 90
platelet aggregation 2: 163
PVD 2:96–97

smoking and cardiovascular
disease 2: 105
tobacco use other than smoking
4: 306
corpus luteum 3:115, 148, 156,
158, 303
corrective lenses 1: 67 , 82–84,96,
101, 109, 111
cortex 3:107, 108
corticosteroid medications
2:256–257, 256 t
adverse drug reaction 4: 148
asthma 2: 188
atelectasis 2: 190
berylliosis 2: 192
bronchiectasis 2: 195
bulla 1: 142
bullous pemphigoid 1: 142
candidiasis 2: 315
cystic fibrosis and the lungs
2: 202
dependence 4: 331
DLE 1: 153
encephalitis 2: 323
5ASA medications 2: 260
food allergies 2: 261
glossitis 1: 25
graft vs. host disease 2: 264
hypersensitivity reaction 2: 270
immunosuppressive medications
2: 276
ischemic optic neuropathy 1: 98
multiple myeloma 2: 158
osteoporosis 1: 346
plaque, skin 1: 186
retrobulbar optic neuritis 1: 116
spinal cord injury 1: 284
synovitis 1: 357
corticotropin-releasing hormone
(CRH) 3:115–116
ACTH 3: 110
adrenal insufficiency 3: 109
aldosterone 3: 112
cortisol 3: 116
endocrine system 3: 101
hypoglycemia 3: 142
hypothalamus 3: 145
cortisol 2:256, 257, 266; 3:116
Addison’s disease 3: 106
adrenal glands 3:107, 108
adrenal insufficiency 3: 109
aging and endocrine changes
3: 111
aldosterone 3: 112
anger and anger management
4: 240

CRH 3: 116
Cushing’s syndrome 3: 116
endocrine system 3:99, 101
glucose 3: 128
insulin 3: 148
melatonin 4: 89
metabolism 4: 225
stress and stress management
4: 253
cosmetic surgery 4:274, 275
cough 1:18–19
atelectasis 2: 190
bronchiectasis 2: 195
bronchitis 2: 196
cannabis 4: 327
Heimlich maneuver 4: 373
interstitial lung disorders 2: 205
lung abscess 2: 208
narcotics 4: 344
pertussis 2:348, 349
pleurisy 2: 218
pneumoconiosis 2: 219
pneumonitis 2: 222
pneumothorax 2: 223
silicosis 2: 229
sputum 2: 231
cough reflex 4:262, 332, 347, 354
Coumadin. Seewarfarin
COX. Seecyclooxygenase
coxsackievirus 2:95, 221
CPR. Seecardiopulmonary
crackles (rales) 2:195, 224
cradle cap 1:146
cramp 1:319, 356
cranial nerves 1:246–247, 247 t
acoustic neuroma 1:7
Bell’s palsy 1: 228
brain 1: 230
functions of the mouth 1: 5
hindbrain 1: 232
midbrain 1: 232
multiple sclerosis 1: 263
optic nerve 1:105
peripheral nerves 1: 276
peripheral nervous system
1: 276
salivary glands 1: 49
smell and taste disturbances
1: 53
sneeze 1: 54
craniosacral massage 4:65, 93
cranium 1:235, 256–257
c-reactive protein 2:45–46, 136 ,
163 , 291 , 302
crepitus 1:319

462 Index

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