Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)
1:248–249,263; 2:128, 350
CRH. Seecorticotropin-releasing
Crick, Francis 4:111, 122, 132
cross training 4:218–219
croup 1:19
cryptococcosis 2:319–320, 320 t
cryptorchidism 3:267, 308 , 346
cryptosporidiosis 2:320
c-section. Seecesarean section
CSFs. Seecolony-stimulating factors
cultural and ethnic health-care
perspectives 4:243
end of life concerns 4: 246
human relations 4: 238
lifestyle variables: smoking and
obesity 4: 283
obesity 4: 299
preventive medicine 4:3–4
quality of life 4: 43
curvature of the spine. Seescoliosis
Cushing’s syndrome 3:109, 116,
116–118, 137
cutaneous lupus erythematosus. See
discoid lupus erythematosus
CVD. Seecardiovascular disease
CVS. Seechorionic villi sampling
CWP. Seecoal worker’s
cyanosis 2:46
asbestosis 2: 185
congenital anomaly 4: 120
congenital heart disease 2:37,
hypoxia 2: 205
methemoglobinemia 2: 156
pneumothorax 2: 223
Raynaud’s syndrome 2: 101
shock 4: 367
cyclic vomiting syndrome 3:33, 78 ,
cyclooxygenase (COX) 2:286, 287,
cyclosporiasis 2:320
cyclosporine 2:258, 270, 275–276;
3:174, 202; 4:173, 270
cyclothymic disorder 3: 367 , 370,
cyst 1:62, 131, 185–186, 307;
2:306–307, 320, 329, 348, 357
cystic fibrosis 1:36; 4:110, 119,
cystic fibrosis and the lungs 2:191,
199 , 201–202,205, 216, 226
cystinuria 3:183
cystitis 3:183–185, 184 t, 186 , 187 ,
cystocele 3:87, 175, 185
cystoscopy 3:185, 188 , 222
cystourethrogram 3: 185 , 185–186,
188, 212
cytochrome P450 (CYP450)
enzymes 1:362; 4: 147 , 153–154,
155, 318
cytokines 1:127, 316; 2:257, 257 t
antibody-mediated immunity
2: 246
antihistamine medications
2: 247
cell-mediated immunity 2: 253
DMARDs 2: 258
EPO 2: 137
5ASA medications 2: 260
granulocyte 2: 138
granuloma 2: 265
histamine 2: 266
immunotherapy 2: 276
inflammation 2: 277
interferons 2:278
interleukins 2:278
lymph 2: 120
lymphokines 2:280–281
monokines 2:283
mononuclear phagocyte system
2: 284
pain management in cancer
2: 386
psychoneuroimmunology 2: 290
T-cell lymphocyte 2: 296
TGFs 2:296–297
TNFs 2:297
cytomegalovirus (CMV) 2: 274 ,
cytotoxic reaction. Seetype II
hypersensitivity reaction
cytotoxic T-cells 2:253, 296
dacryocystitis 1:85
dacryostenosis 1:85
dandruff 1:147–148, 148 t, 151
dark adaptation test 1:85–86
DASH eating plan 2:47
date rape 4:327, 336, 337
DBS. Seedeep brain stimulation
D&C. Seedilation and curettage
death 4:37, 48, 246, 347, 377, 386
debridement 4:361, 362, 365
decompression sickness 2:205, 216,
217; 4: 50
decubitus ulcer 1:148–149, 148 t
deep brain stimulation (DBS)
1:250, 276
deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
2:47–48, 78 , 110 , 115 , 136 , 225 ,
226; 4: 211
defibrillation 2:23, 34, 47,57, 116;
4: 371 , 372, 372
deformity 1:185; 4: 200
degenerative neurologic disease
1:251, 256, 275–276
dehydration 2:317, 320, 324, 327;
4:374–375, 375 t
aging and urinary system
changes 3: 175
anuria 3: 177
Fanconi’s syndrome 3: 190
gastroenteritis 3: 48
heat and cold injuries 4: 374
heat exhaustion 4: 375
heat stroke 4: 375
hydration 4: 184
hypernatremia 3: 138
hyponatremia 3: 143
mitochondrial disorders 4: 134
nephropathy 3: 210
nephrotoxins 3: 212
oliguria 3: 213
renal failure 3: 218
urolithiasis 3: 227
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
3:119,245; 4:66, 66 t
delayed-type hypersensitivity
(DTH) reaction. Seetype IV
hypersensitivity reaction
delirium 1:250–251
delirium tremens 4:330, 354
delta islet cells 3:149, 158
delusion 3:367, 368, 371,379, 381,
dementia 1: 218 , 251–252; 4:70,
dendrite 1:270, 271, 361
dental caries 1:20, 39 , 44 , 57 , 294 ,
358; 4:24, 306
deoxygenated blood 2:4, 7, 115,
115, 115 , 115
depressants 4:331–332, 339
depression 1:174, 265, 383; 2:30,
257; 3:371–372
addiction 4: 315
alcoholism 4: 320
anabolic steroids and steroid
precursors 4: 322
andropause 3: 245
bipolar disorder 3: 366
cognitive therapy 3: 369
Index 463