thalassemia 2: 169
vesicoureteral reflux 3: 230
erythromycin 2:341, 349, 353
erythropoiesis (EPO) 2:125,
140–141, 167; 3:171–172, 202
erythropoietin (EPO) 2:125, 132,
137–138,148, 157, 160; 3:169,
192, 201, 202
blood doping 4: 324
bloodless surgery 4: 263
substances 4: 348
Erythroxylum coca1:361; 4: 328
Escherichia coli3:277; 4: 74
Escherichia coliinfection 2:324–325,
327; 3:184, 194, 225
Escherichia coliO157:H7 2:311, 324
esophageal atresia 3:40
esophageal cancer 3:40–41; 4: 306
esophageal spasm 3:41
esophageal speech 1:22, 31 , 64
esophageal varices 3:41–42
esophagitis 3:42
esophagus 3:3, 9, 17, 42, 42 t,50,
58; 4: 166
ESRD. Seeend-stage renal disease
estrogens 1:145, 345, 346; 2:10,
372, 381; 3:126–127; 4: 215
adrenal glands 3:107, 108
aging and endocrine changes
3: 111
aging and reproductive/sexual
changes 3: 242
aging and urinary system
changes 3: 175
androgens 3: 113
breast 3: 249
cystocele 3: 185
DHEA 3: 119
DUB 3: 268
endocrine system 3:100, 103
endometrial hyperplasia 3: 276
euthyroid sick syndrome 3: 127
fibroadenoma 3: 284
FSH 3: 127
GnRH 3: 129
gynecomastia 3: 289
hormone 3: 135
hypothyroidism 3: 147
LH 3: 151
libido 3: 296
menopause 3: 302
ovaries 3: 313
progesterone 3: 157
uterine fibroids 3: 350
uterus 3: 351
ESWL. Seeextracorporeal shock
wave lithotripsy
ethchlorvynol 4:334
ethical issues in genetics and
molecular medicine 4:124–125
etoposide 2:376, 376t
eudynia 1: 363 , 372,379. See also
acute pain
eustachian tube 1:3, 7–8, 15, 20,
22, 40
euthyroid sick syndrome 3:127,
127 t, 129
excimer (cool) laser 1:108, 109,
exercise and health 1:357, 365,
371, 378, 379; 4:221. See also
physical activity
abdominal adiposity 4: 284
aerobic fitness 2:9, 9 t
anger and anger management
4: 241
bariatric surgery 4:284, 288
body shape and cardiovascular
health 2: 25
CABG 2: 43
calorie 4: 180
cardiac rehabilitation 2:30–31
cardiomyopathy 2: 33
cardiovascular disease
prevention 4: 16
diabetes prevention 4: 19
dieting 4: 294
DVT 2: 48
“fat burners” 4: 295
fitness: exercise and health 4: 210
health risk factors 4: 29
heart rate 2: 60
heat exhaustion 4: 375
heat stroke 4: 375
intermittent claudication 2: 69
lean muscle mass 4: 297
lifestyle and cardiovascular
health 2: 73
lifestyle variables: smoking and
obesity 4: 283
living with chronic pulmonary
conditions 2: 207
malnutrition 4: 186
MET 4: 225
metabolism 4: 226
obesity 4:299, 300
obesity and health 4: 302
physical exercise and
cardiovascular health 2: 97
preventive medicine 4: 3
pulse 2: 100
PVD 2: 96
rheumatoid arthritis 2: 291
substance abuse treatment
training 4: 233
waist circumference 4: 308
weight loss and weight
management 4:309, 310
yoga 4: 106
exophthalmos 1:88, 94 , 95 , 106
extracorporeal shock wave
lithotripsy (ESWL) 3: 183 , 189,
208, 227–228
eye 1:66,70–124, 89 t;4: 326
aging and vision/eye change
astigmatism 1:73
black eye 1:74
breakthrough research and
treatment advances 1: 69
cataract 1:77–78
cluster headache 1: 374
cornea 1:80–81
corneal injury 1:81
corrective lenses 1:82–84
enucleation 1:88
functions 1:65, 67–68
Graves’ ophthalmopathy
health and disorders of 1: 68
how the eye “sees” 1: 67
lens 1:100
overview 1:65–69
physics of vision 1:67–68
retina 1:113
structures 1: 65
traditions in medical history
eyeglasses 1:67, 83, 109
blepharitis 1:74
blepharoplasty 1:75
blepharospasm 1:75
chalazion 1:79
cicatricial pemphigoid 1:79
ectropion 1:87
entropion 1:87
hordeolum 1:96
orbital cellulitis 1:106
ptosis 1:110
xanthelasma 1:124
xanthoma 1: 211
eye pain 1: 85 , 89–90, 89 t
eye patch 1:72, 81
eye strain 1:90
Index 469