facelift. Seerhytidoplasty
facial nerve 1:49, 53, 228–229,
246, 247t
facioscapulohumeral muscular
dystrophy 1:337, 338t
factitious disorders 3:375–376, 385
fallopian tubes 3: 271 , 281,342,
347, 351
familial adenomatous polyposis
(FAP) 3:43, 60 , 64
familial Mediterranean fever
family medical pedigree 4:126
family planning 3:281–282; 4: 130
adoption 3: 241
ART 3: 247
conception 3: 264
contraception 3: 267
gestational surrogacy 3: 289
prenatal care 3: 327
vasectomy 3: 355
Fanconi’s syndrome 3:189–190
FAP. Seefamilial adenomatous
farsightedness. Seehyperopia;
fascia 1: 294 , 321,349–350
fat. Seeadipose tissue
fat burners 4:201, 293, 295
fatigue. Seechronic fatigue
fats (lipids) 4:191, 229
fatty acids 4:191, 202, 301
FDA. SeeUS Food and Drug
fecal impaction 3: 33 , 43–44, 44
fecal incontinence 3: 33 , 44
fecal occult blood test (FOBT)
3:44–45, 45 t, 51 , 91
feces 3:1, 4, 14, 20; 4: 357
fentanyl 4:334
fertility 3:282–283; 4: 117
aging and reproductive/sexual
changes 3: 242
amenorrhea 3: 243
chorionic gonadotropin 3: 115
conception 3: 264
cryptorchidism 3: 267
ectopic pregnancy 3: 272
endometrial cancer 3: 274
endometriosis 3: 276
erection 3: 278
fallopian tubes 3: 281
family planning 3: 281
hemochromatosis 3: 133
inhibin 3: 148
menarche 3: 300
menopause 3: 301
ovaries 3: 313
ovulation 3: 314
PCOS 3: 320
perimenopause 3: 318
PID 3: 317
pregnancy 3: 323
prostatectomy 3: 331
reproductive system 3: 237
spermatocele 3: 342
testicular cancer 3: 345
testicular self-examination
3: 346
testicular torsion 3: 347
uterine fibroids 3:349–350
vas deferens 3: 354
fertilization 3:342, 356
fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) 4:9,
312–313, 316, 334–336
fetus 1:303; 3:283–284, 284 t;4: 81
amniocentesis 3: 243
amniotic fluid 3: 244
eclampsia 3: 271
gestational diabetes 3: 288
placenta 3: 319
stillbirth 3: 342
umbilical cord 3: 349
uterine fibroids 3: 350
uterus 3: 351
fever 2: 236 , 326,338; 4:281, 375.
See also specific fevers, e.g.:typhoid
feverfew 1:366, 377; 4:67–68, 68 t
fiber and gastrointestinal health
3:5, 33, 44, 45, 68
fibrillation 2:17, 23, 116; 4: 372
fibrin 2:83, 110
fibrinogens 1:127; 2:49, 110
fibroadenoma 3:284–285
fibrocystic breast disease 3:253,
285 , 285–286,295, 300
fibroelastoma 2:55
fibromyalgia 1:321–322, 385
fibrosis 2:183, 216, 223, 229, 291
fibula 1:301, 330
filtrate 3:169, 193, 202, 209
finasteride (Proscar/Propecia)
1:137; 4: 98
finger 1:210, 350, 357
fingernails 1:129, 167
fitness: exercise and health
4:210–212, 210–237
fitness level 4:222
aerobic exercise 4: 214
aging and physical ability/fitness
4: 215
conditioning 4: 217
cross training 4: 219
fitness: exercise and health 4: 210
physical activity
recommendations 4: 228
shin splints 4: 231
strength 4: 233
training 4: 233
walking for fitness 4: 235
Fitzpatrick skin type 1:158, 158 t
5-aminosalicylate (5ASA)
medications 2:260, 260 t
flashback 3:359, 380; 4: 337
flashes 1:91
flat feet 4:222–224, 223 t
flatulence 3: 20 , 45
flavonoids 2: 379 t;4:89, 177
flexibility 1:300, 365, 366; 4:224
conditioning 4: 217
cross training 4: 219
disability and exercise 4: 220
endurance 4: 220
fitness: exercise and health
4: 211
fitness level 4: 222
OMT 4: 93
physical activity
recommendations 4: 228
resistance exercise 4: 230
strength 4: 233
tai chi 4: 101
training 4: 233
warmup 4: 236
weekend warrior 4: 237
floaters 1: 74 , 91,113, 124
flower essences 4: 58 , 68
flu. Seeinfluenza
fluid balance 3:171, 201; 4: 187
flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) 4:328,
332 , 336
fluorescein staining 1: 81 , 91,104,
fluoridation 4:24–25
fluoroscopy 2:12, 13, 28, 53; 3:17,
FOBT. Seefecal occult blood test
folic acid 1:16, 217, 282, 355; 2:40,
64, 125, 126, 379t;4:12, 39, 118
follicles. Seehair follicles
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
3:100, 111, 127,129, 148
folliculitis 1:158–159
fondaparinux (Arixtra) 2:14, 15t,
78, 78t
470 Index