food allergies 2:236, 244, 258,
260–262, 261 t, 269
foodborne illnesses 2:261,
311–313, 326–327, 327 t,348; 4:2,
24, 26, 31. See alsowaterborne
illnesses; specific foodborne illnesses,
food poisoning. Seefoodborne
food pyramid 4:186, 194
food safety 1:248, 249; 4:24
foot 1:297, 298, 349–350, 358
foreign objects in the ear or nose
1:24, 47
foreskin (prepuce) 3:263, 315, 318
formaldehyde 2:365, 392
formulary 4:158
foxglove 4:84, 145
fracture 1:322–323
fragile X syndrome 3:364, 365;
freckles. Seelentigines
free radicals 2:50, 376; 4:62, 105,
177, 193, 207
frontal lobe 1: 231 t,242; 4: 240
frostbite 1:159–160, 159 t
FSH. Seefollicle-stimulating
fungal infection 1:179, 204–205.
See alsoyeast infection; specific
infections, e.g.:candidiasis
fungus 2:308–309, 327, 327 t,
346–347; 4: 34
furuncle 1:160
gabapentin 3:367, 377
GAD. Seegeneralized anxiety
gag reflex 1:25
Galen 2:6, 121, 122
gallbladder 3:1, 18, 22, 36, 46
gallbladder disease 3: 22 , 46–48,
46 t,67; 4:287, 302
gallop 2:55
gallstones 3:46, 80, 189; 4: 302
GALT. Seegut-associated lymphoid
gamete 3:233, 340, 356; 4:115,
118, 122, 124, 127, 139
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
3:360; 4:316–317, 323, 330–332,
gammaglobulin 2: 239 , 263,275, 289
gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
4: 328 , 336
gangrene 1:144, 159, 323
garlic 4:69–70, 70 t
gas-permeable contact lens 1:83,
gastrectomy 3:48
gastric acid 3:11, 50, 85, 90
gastric binding 4:284–287
gastric mucosa 3:3, 90, 94
gastrin 3:3, 35, 94
gastritis 3:48
gastroenteritis 3: 33 , 48–50, 49 t,88,
89, 94; 4: 2
gastroesophageal reflux disorder
(GERD) 1:18, 45; 2:188, 201,
202, 267; 3:50–51, 51 t
antacids 3: 12
Barrett’s esophagus 3: 17
esophageal cancer 3: 40
esophagitis 3: 42
gastrointestinal system 3: 5
hiatal hernia 3: 58
gastrointestinal bleeding 1:368;
2:20, 204; 3: 45 , 51–52, 51 t,77;
4: 363
gastrointestinal disorders 3:34, 62,
90; 4:179, 319
gastrointestinal irritation 4:62, 72
gastrointestinal system 3:1–95, 2
antidepressant medications
3: 362
anus 3: 14
borborygmus 3: 20
bowel movement 3: 20
bowel sounds 3: 20
cecum 3: 21
colon 3: 26
digestive hormones 3: 35
endoscopy 3: 38
ERCP 3: 38
fiber and gastrointestinal health
3: 45
gallbladder 3: 46
hemochromatosis 3: 133
IBD 3: 61
IBS 3: 65
nausea 3: 78
peristalsis 3: 82
small intestine 3: 89
stomach 3: 90
gastrointestinal tract 2:263, 265,
306–307, 346, 347, 366; 4:150,
gastroparesis 3:52
gene 2:397; 4:109, 113, 119, 127,
132, 135, 299
gene mutation. Seemutation
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
2:257, 284–285; 3:280, 360, 369,
376,380, 385; 4: 104
generational health-care
perspectives 4:3–4, 247
generic drug 4:146, 153, 158–159,
gene therapy 1:296; 3:7, 43; 4:119,
121, 125, 127–128, 139
genetic carrier 4:128
genetic code 2:305, 330; 4:128
chromosome 4:118, 119
DNA 4: 122
genetics and molecular medicine
4: 109
genotype 4: 131
nucleotide 4: 135
RNA 4: 139
sex chromosome 4: 140
genetic counseling 1:256; 2:144,
170; 4:128
Down syndrome 4: 123
genetic testing 4: 131
mitochondrial disorders 4: 134
PKU 4: 138
porphyria 4: 138
Tay-Sachs disease 4: 143
genetic disorders 4:128–129
achondroplasia 1:298
AFP 3: 243
Alport’s syndrome 3: 176
amenorrhea 3: 243
blood disorders 2: 121
cardiomyopathy 2:31, 32
CMT disease 1:317–318
congenital anomaly 4: 120
congenital heart disease
CVS 3: 262
cystic fibrosis and the lungs
2: 201
ethical issues in genetics and
molecular medicine
familial Mediterranean fever
4: 125
family medical pedigree 4: 126
Fanconi’s syndrome 3: 190
FAP 3: 43
gene 4: 127
hemochromatosis 3: 133
hemophilia 2:143, 144
heredity and heart disease 2: 63
hirsutism 3: 134
hypogonadism 3: 291
ichthyosis 1:166
Index 471