granuloma 2:265, 269 , 282 , 293 ,
359 , 360
granuloma telangiectaticum 1:161
Graves’ disease 1:88, 94–95; 2:172,
249; 3:129–131, 164
Graves’ ophthalmopathy 1: 88 ,
94–95,119; 3:100, 141
gray matter 1:216, 283, 284
Greece, ancient 2:6, 76, 304
green tea 2:237, 297; 4:73–74, 74 t,
grief 4:247–248
group A beta-hemolytic
streptococcal bacteria 2:352, 354,
growth hormone (GH) 3:104, 111,
131,149, 157
growth hormone deficiency 3:131,
131 , 132
growth hormone-releasing
hormone (GHRH) 3:110–111,
131 , 131–132,142, 145
G6PD deficiency 2:157, 351; 4:131
gum disease 1:39, 44
gum tissue 1:25, 39
gunshot wounds 4: 367 , 377–378,
gut-associated lymphoid tissue
(GALT) 2:265, 284 ,289; 3:15, 89
gynecomastia 3:289,298; 4: 322
Haemophilus influenzaetype b (Hib)
1:21; 2:221, 256, 305, 344
hair 1:125, 127–129, 162, 162 t,
166–167; 3:134, 386
hair cell (ear) 1:16–17, 30, 36, 37,
hair follicles 2: 377
acne 1: 131
carbuncle 1: 143
furuncle 1:160
goose bumps 1:160–161
hidradenitis suppurativa 1:164
integumentary system 1:125,
keratosis pilaris 1:170, 171
nasal vestibulitis 1:36
sebaceous glands 1: 194
skin 1: 195
skin cancer 1:196–197
sweat glands 1: 202
hair loss. Seealopecia
hair replacement 1:162–164, 163 t
hairy tongue 1:26
half-life 4:159, 325
halitosis 1: 20 , 26, 44
hallucination 3:367, 368, 376,381,
alcoholic hallucinosis 4: 319
amphetamines 4: 321
benzodiazepines 4: 324
delirium tremens 4: 330
designer drugs 4: 332
dextromethorphan 4: 332
ethchlorvynol 4: 334
hallucinogens 4: 337
ketamine 4: 342
MDMA 4: 343
organic solvents 4: 347
withdrawal syndrome 4: 354
hallucinogens 4:312, 328, 331,
337–338, 338 t
hand washing 4: 2 , 26,41, 258
hangover 4:338
hantavirus pulmonary syndrome
hapten. Seeallergen
Harvey, William 2:7, 122
hashish 4:312, 326, 327
hay fever. Seeallergic rhinitis
HBV. Seehepatitis B
hCG. Seehuman chorionic
gonadotrophin hormone
HDL-C. Seehigh-density lipoprotein
headache 1: 235 , 373–377, 376 t;
3:105, 371, 379
adverse drug reaction 4: 148
amphetamines 4: 321
anesthesia 4: 261
caffeine 4: 326
drugs 4: 145
hangover 4: 338
head and spinal cord injuries
4: 378
workplace stress 4: 256
head and spinal cord injuries
4:362, 368, 369, 378
healing 1:194, 361; 2:266
health education 4:26
health insurance 4:26–27, 125 , 278
health risk factors 4:27–29
anti-aging approaches 4: 58
BMI 4:289, 290
diet and health 4: 182
fitness: exercise and health 4: 210
fitness level 4: 222
life expectancy 4: 37
personal health history 4: 41
physical activity
recommendations 4: 228
routine medical examination
4: 45
sexually transmitted disease
prevention 4: 47
substance abuse 4: 311
Healthy People 2001 4:283, 291
Healthy People 2010 4:29–30, 50 ,
hearing aid 1:6, 10, 26–28,29–30
hearing impairment (sign language)
hearing loss 1:28–30; 4: 123
acoustic neuroma 1: 7
audiologic assessment 1:9–10
barotrauma 1: 11
BPPV 1: 12
breakthrough research and
treatment advances 1: 6
cholesteatoma 1: 15
cochlear implant 1: 17
disorders of the ears, nose,
mouth, and throat 1: 5
ear 1: 20
hearing aid 1:26–28
labyrinthitis 1: 31
Ménière’s disease 1:33–35
myringitis 1: 35
noise exposure and hearing
otosclerosis 1: 41
ototoxicity 1: 42 t, 43
presbycusis 1:45–46
sign language 1:51
speech disorders 1:54–55
tinnitus 1:58
hearing loss, age-related. See
heart 2:56, 56 t. See also
cardiovascular disease
angina pectoris 2:11–12
angiogram 2:12
aorta 2: 16
arrhythmia 2:17–19, 18 t
atrial fibrillation 2:22–23
AV node 2:23
cardiac arrest 2:27
cardiac capacity 2:27–28
cardiac catheterization 2:28
cardiac cycle 2:28–29
cardiac enzymes 2:29
cardiac output 2:29–30
cardiomyopathy 2:31–33
cardiopulmonary bypass
cardiovascular system 2:1, 4, 6,
Index 473