histocompatability locus antigens.
Seehuman leukocyte antigens
histoplasmosis 2: 265 , 333
HIV. Seehuman immunodeficiency
HIV/AIDS 2:333–335, 334 t, 335 t
addiction 4: 314
alkyl nitrites 4: 320
anabolic steroids and steroid
precursors 4: 322
antiviral medications 2: 309
aspergillosis 2: 185
blood and lymph medical
traditions 2: 122
blood donation 2: 128
blood transfusion 2: 130
body substance isolation 4: 358
cancer risk factors 2: 370
candidiasis 2: 315
cannabis 4: 326
clusters of differentiation
2: 254
CMV 2: 320
cryptococcosis 2:319, 320
CYP450 enzymes 4: 154
Epstein-Barr virus 2: 324
genital herpes 2: 328
glomerulosclerosis 3: 192
heroin 4: 339
histoplasmosis 2: 333
immune system 2:236–237
immunodeficiency 2: 274
infection 2: 338
infectious diseases 2: 305
influenza 2: 339
injecting drugs, risks of 4: 340
Kaposi’s sarcoma 1:168, 169
leukoplakia 1: 32
listeriosis 2: 341
milk thistle 4: 89
necrotizing fasciitis 2: 346
neutropenia 2: 161
opportunistic infections 2: 347
pericarditis 2: 95
pneumonia 2: 221
preventive medicine 4: 4
responder safety and personal
protection 4: 358
SALT 2: 295
sexual health 3: 339
STDs 3: 340
syphilis 2: 356
T-cell lymphocyte 2: 296
terminal pain 1: 384
thrombocytopenia 2: 171
toxoplasmosis 2: 357
tuberculosis 2:359, 360
virus 2: 362
HIV/AIDS prevention 4:32–33
hives. Seeurticaria
HLAs. Seehuman leukocyte
HLHS. Seehypoplastic left heart
Hodgkin’s lymphoma 2:152–153,
319, 366
holistic healing 4:91, 92, 101
homeopathy 4:52, 58, 68, 75–76,
75 t, 78
homocysteine 2:64
H1 receptor 2:247, 248, 267
honey, unpasteurized 2:312, 313
honey urine 3:103, 119
hordeolum 1: 79 , 96, 106
hormonal cascade 3:113, 142, 144,
146, 148, 166. See alsostress
response hormonal cascade
hormonal responses 3:135, 159
hormone 1:131, 145, 310, 362,
374; 2:5, 137, 172, 374;
3:134–136, 135 t
aging and reproductive/sexual
changes 3: 242
androgens 3: 113
blood doping 4: 324
breast 3: 250
DHEA 3: 119
dopamine 3: 124
endocrine gland 3: 125
endocrine system 3: 96
fibrocystic breast disease 3: 285
GABA 4: 336
gestational diabetes 3: 289
norepinephrine 3: 152
substances 4: 348
pharmacodynamics 4: 168
puberty 3: 334
SAD 3: 382
sleep disorders 3: 384
hormone-driven cancers 2:381,
andropause 3: 245
BPH 3: 249
breast cancer 3: 251
DHEA 4: 66
endometrial cancer 3: 275
menopause 3:301–302
obesity and health 4: 302
oophorectomy 3: 307
orchiectomy 3: 308
prostate cancer 3: 327
soy 4: 99
hormone replacement therapy
(HRT) 1:346; 2:10, 381; 3:112,
127, 136, 238–239, 301–302, 361;
4: 95
hormone therapy 1:355; 2:372,
381; 3:136; 4: 77
horseshoe kidney 3:195–196
hospital infections (nosocomial
infections) 2:347
hot flashes 3:290, 301 ,361; 4: 61
HPV. Seehuman papillomavirus
HPV vaccine 3 :258, 259
HRT. Seehormone replacement
HSV. Seeherpes simplex
H2 antagonist (blocker) medications
3:59, 59 t
H3 receptor 2:247–248, 267
human chorionic gonadotrophin
hormone (hCG) 3:246, 305
human ehrlichiosis 2:335–336
human epidural growth factor
receptor 2. See her-2gene
human genome 1:130; 4: 4
Human Genome Project 4:109,
111, 119, 122, 127, 132, 132 t
human growth hormone (hGH)
1:248, 298; 3:131, 219; 4:58, 66,
76–77, 77 t, 348
human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV) 2:305, 338, 362. See also
human leukocyte antigens (HLAs)
1:267, 303, 352; 2:131, 264–265,
267–268,282; 3:200, 203
human papillomavirus (HPV)
1:133, 180, 209; 2: 295 , 336–337,
337 t,362, 370, 373; 3:248, 256,
259, 340; 4: 14
human relations 4:238–239,
humoral immunity. Seeantibody-
mediated immunity
hunger 4: 177 , 183–184,294, 295,
Huntington’s disease 1:218, 242,
cloning 4: 119
ethical issues in genetics and
molecular medicine 4: 125
genetic counseling 4: 128
genetics and molecular medicine
4: 110
genetic testing 4: 131
orphan drug 4: 163
476 Index