Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

stress response hormonal
cascade 3: 159
stroke 2: 107
sudden cardiac death 2: 108
TIA 2: 111
tinnitus 1: 58
tobacco use other than smoking
4: 306
urinary system 3: 173
hyperthyroidism 1:88, 94–95; 2:60,
94; 3:139–141; 4: 168
endocrine system 3: 99
enuresis 3: 187
euthyroid sick syndrome 3: 127
goiter 3: 129
Graves’ disease 3: 129
mania 3: 377
polyglandular deficiency
syndrome 3: 156
thyroid storm 3: 165
TSH 3: 165
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
2:31–32, 39, 40
hyperventilation 2:194, 204,
204–205, 232
hypnosis 1:365, 375; 3:366, 370,
373, 376, 379, 384; 4:77–78, 304
hypnotics 4:327, 328, 331, 334,
336 , 339, 339 t
hypocalcemia 3:141, 143 , 154 , 163
hypochondriasis 3:376
hypoglossal nerve 1:246, 247t
hypoglycemia 3:141–142
hypogonadism 3:291
hypokalemia 3: 138 , 142–143
hyponatremia 3:143
hypoparathyroidism 3: 139 , 143,
143, 154, 163
hypopigmentation 1:175, 207–208
hypopituitarism 3: 139 , 143–144,
144 t
hypoplastic left heart syndrome
(HLHS) 2:39, 61
hypospadias 3:197, 262 , 263
hypotension 2:22–24, 67–68,83,
223, 357; 3:42, 83, 106, 177
hypothalamic hormones 3:98, 144
hypothalamus 1:161, 231–232;
2:247, 267; 3:144–145, 145 t
ACTH 3: 110
aging and endocrine changes
3: 110
androgens 3: 113
appetite 4: 178
cortisol 3: 116
CRH 3: 115

diabetes insipidus 3:122, 123
dopamine 3: 124
endocrine system 3: 98
estrogens 3: 126
FSH 3: 127
GH 3: 131
GHRH 3: 131
hyperprolactinemia 3: 139
hyperthyroidism 3: 139
hypoglycemia 3: 142
inhibin 3: 148
kidneys 3: 202
LH 3: 151
melatonin 3:151; 4: 88
menstrual cycle 3: 303
metabolism 4: 225
oxytocin 3: 152
pituitary gland 3: 155
prolactin 3: 157
T 4 3: 166
TRH 3: 166
TSH 3: 164
T 3 3: 166
urinary system 3: 171
hypothermia 1:159–160; 4: 50 ,
hypothyroidism 3:145–147
bipolar disorder 3: 367
depression 3: 371
Down syndrome 4: 123
endocrine system 3:99, 102
goiter 3: 129
hyperprolactinemia 3: 139
hyperthyroidism 3: 141
hyponatremia 3: 143
pharmacodynamics 4: 168
psychiatric disorders and
psychologic conditions 3: 358
hypoxia 1:238; 2:205
ARDS 2: 181
asphyxia 2: 187
dyspnea 2: 203
EPO 2: 137
hemoglobin 2: 142
hyperventilation 2: 205
pneumonitis 2: 223
pulmonary edema 2: 224
pulmonary fibrosis 2: 226
SARS 2: 353
hysterectomy 3: 274 , 291–292
hysteroscopy 3: 264 , 292

IBD. Seeinflammatory bowel
IBS. Seeirritable bowel syndrome

ibuprofen (Advil) 1:375; 2:79, 202,
ICD. Seeimplantable cardioverter
ice 4:381, 382
ichthyosis 1:166
IgA. Seeimmunoglobulin A
IgE. Seeimmunoglobulin E
IgG. Seeimmunoglobulin G
IgM. Seeimmunoglobulin M
IHD. Seeischemic heart disease
ileoanal reservoir 3: 32 , 60
ileostomy 3: 32 , 60
ileum 3:60–61, 61 t;4: 286
bowel atresia 3: 20
cecum 3: 21
colon 3: 26
diverticular disease 3: 35
gastrointestinal system 3: 4
ileoanal reservoir 3: 60
ileostomy 3: 60
small intestine 3: 89
illicit drug use 4:340, 340 t
alcohol interactions with
medications 4: 318
cannabis 4: 326
designer drugs 4: 332
GABA 4: 336
hallucinogens 4: 338
injected toxins 4: 385
MDMA 4: 343
methamphetamine 4: 342
substances 4: 348
substance abuse 4: 311
immune complex (IC) reaction. See
type III hypersensitivity reaction
immune disorders 1:25, 58, 150,
168, 268–269; 2:272, 272 t, 274 ,
280; 4:67. See alsoautoimmune
disorders; specific immune disorders
immune response 2:272–273
acute pain 1: 363
adverse drug reaction 4: 148
aging and immune response
allergen 2: 240
anthracosis 2: 183
antibody-mediated immunity
2: 246
antigen 2:246–247
antihistamine medications
2: 247
appendix 3: 15
autoimmune disorders

478 Index

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