abdominal adiposity 4: 284
aging and endocrine changes
3: 111
aging and nutrition/dietary
changes 4: 176
aging and physical ability/fitness
4: 215
aging and urinary system
changes 3: 175
antidepressant medications
3:361, 362
black cohosh 4: 61
breast 3: 250
conditioning 4: 218
cystocele 3: 185
dysmenorrhea 3: 270
endometrial cancer 3: 274
estrogens 3:126, 127
fertility 3: 282
fibroadenoma 3: 284
fibrocystic breast disease 3: 286
hot flashes 3: 290
medicinal herbs and botanicals
4: 83
perimenopause 3: 318
phytoestrogens 4: 94
POF 3: 323
rectocele 3: 87
reproductive system 3:236–237
resistance exercise 4: 229
sexual dysfunction 3: 338
sexuality 4: 252
strength 4: 233
urinary incontinence 3: 224
uterine fibroids 3: 350
uterus 3: 351
menstrual cycle 1:132; 3:303–304;
4: 66
aging and reproductive/sexual
changes 3: 242
amenorrhea 3: 243
breast 3: 250
breast health 3: 254
DUB 3: 268
endometriosis 3: 276
GnRH 3: 129
menarche 3: 300
menstruation 3: 304
mittelschmerz 3: 305
ova 3: 309
ovulation 3: 314
PMS 3: 325
pregnancy 3: 321
puberty 3: 335
reproductive system 3: 237
vagina 3: 352
menstruation 1:131, 132, 374;
abdominal distention 3: 8
dong quai 4: 66
dysmenorrhea 3: 269
eating disorders 3: 374
endometrial hyperplasia 3: 275
feverfew 4: 68
ginseng 4: 72
hematuria 3: 194
hysterectomy 3: 292
menarche 3: 300
menopause 3: 300
menstrual cycle 3: 303
ovulation 3: 314
progesterone 3: 156
puberty 3: 335
uterus 3: 351
mercury 4:17, 30–31
mescaline 4:337–338, 343
mesoderm 3:233, 272–273
metabolic disorders 4 :226–227,
227 t
metabolic equivalent (MET) 4:225,
metabolic syndrome X. Seeinsulin
metabolism 1:364; 2:7–9, 24, 33,
326; 4:225–227
aging and nutrition/dietary
changes 4: 176
alcohol 4: 316
alcohol interactions with
medications 4: 318
cell structure and function 4: 116
childhood obesity 4: 291
drowning 4: 368
drugs 4: 147
efficacy 4: 158
frostbite 4: 375
hangover 4: 338
heat and cold injuries 4: 374
nutrients 4: 190
obesity 4: 299
peak level 4: 168
pharmacodynamics 4: 168
pharmacokinetics 4: 168
weight loss and weight
management 4: 309
metastasis 1:170, 197, 235, 237,
309, 310; 2:120, 149, 151, 152,
384,390, 391; 3:90, 250, 274,
310, 328, 344; 4: 74
methadone 4: 315 , 342,342, 354
methamphetamine 4:342–343,
343 t
addiction 4:314, 315
club drugs 4: 328
depressants 4: 332
ethchlorvynol 4: 334
illicit drug use 4: 340
stimulants 4: 350
methemoglobinemia 2:156–157;
4: 320
methotrexate 2:258, 259, 270
(MDMA) 4:328, 338, 343, 343 t
methylmercury 4:30, 31
MHC. Seemajor histocompatability
microbe 2:344
microinfarction 1:86; 2:84
micronutrients 4:190, 193, 204
micturition. Seeurination
middle ear 1:15, 20, 23, 35, 41
middle pain. Seemittelschmerz
migraine headache 1:365, 366,
373–374, 376t,377; 4: 67
miliaria 1:176
milk thistle 3:25, 57; 4: 83 , 89–90,
90 t, 338
mind-body interactions 2:290, 387;
4:90, 90 t
acupuncture 4: 57
alternative and complementary
approaches to conventional
medicine 4: 52
art therapy 4: 59
biofeedback 4: 61
craniosacral massage 4: 65
hypnosis 4: 78
meditation 4: 88
Native American healing 4: 91
visualization 4: 104
mineralocorticosteroid 3:111, 135
minerals and health 1:313–315;
2:50, 118–119; 4:186–189,
188 t–189t
minimal change disease 3:205–206
minimally invasive cardiac surgery
2:86, 394
minimally invasive surgery 1:304;
4:258, 260, 266–267,268,
mini-stroke. Seetransient ischemic
mitochondria 4:116, 134, 139, 232
mitochondrial disorders 4: 129 ,
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)
4:129, 134
mittelschmerz 3:305
488 Index