VBAC 3: 355
vitamins and health 4: 206
yoga 4: 106
preleukemia. Seemyelodysplasia
premature birth 1:115, 118; 3:238,
245 , 324–325
premature ovarian failure (POF)
3: 290 , 323–324
premature ventricular contraction
(PVC) 2: 51 , 97–98, 100
premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
3: 270 , 325–326,372; 4:67, 94
prenatal care 3:326–327, 327 t
birth defects 4: 12
cerebral palsy 1: 241
cesarean section 3: 260
childbirth 3: 262
cleft palate/cleft palate and lip
1: 16
CVS 3: 263
episiotomy 3: 278
fetus 3: 284
learning disorders 1: 258
morning sickness 3: 306
pregnancy 3: 323
scoliosis 1: 355
SIDS 4: 48
spina bifida 1:282–283
stillbirth 3: 342
preoperative procedures 4:276
prepuce. Seeforeskin
presbycusis 1:8–9, 29, 45–46, 58
presbyopia 1: 83 , 108–109, 112
prescription drug abuse 4:349, 354
pressure sore. Seedecubitus ulcer
preventive health care and
immunization 4: 17 , 42,93, 292
preventive medicine 4:1–50
priapism 3:327
primary biliary cirrhosis 3:84
primary sclerosing cholangitis
prion 1:248, 249; 2:349–350; 4: 4
problem solving and conflict
resolution 4: 241 , 250
proctitis 3: 11 , 85
prodrome 2: 332 , 350
progeria 4:138–139
progesterone 3:156–157
adrenal glands 3:107, 108
aging and endocrine changes
3: 111
chorionic gonadotropin 3: 115
DUB 3: 268
endocrine system 3: 100
GnRH 3: 129
hormone 3: 135
LH 3: 151
ovaries 3: 313
uterus 3: 351
prohormones 3:113, 126
prolactin 3:124, 139, 157, 250
Propionibacterium acne1:131, 132
proprioception 1:294, 340,
prostaglandins 1:363, 366, 367,
373, 382; 2:289–290; 3:280, 337;
4: 67
allergic asthma 2: 240
antihistamine medications
2: 247
aspirin therapy 2: 20
congenital heart disease 2: 40
desensitization 2: 258
fever 2: 326
5ASA medications 2: 260
food allergies 2: 260
histamine 2: 267
immune response 2: 273
inflammation 2: 277
NSAIDs 2:286, 287
platelet aggregation 2: 163
prostate cancer 2:365, 372, 373,
381; 3:327–330, 329 t
aging and reproductive/sexual
changes 3: 243
bladder cancer 3: 182
BPH 3: 248
DRE 3: 35
endocrine system 3: 103
lycopene 4:79, 80
medicinal herbs and botanicals
4: 83
orchiectomy 3: 307
prostatectomy 3: 331
PSA 3: 333
prostatectomy 3:249, 272, 328,
prostate gland 2:290, 366;
3:330–331, 331 t;4: 98
aging and urinary system
changes 3: 175
bladder 3: 178
BPH 3: 248
DRE 3: 35
prostate cancer 3: 327
prostate health 3: 331
prostatitis 3: 334
PSA 3: 333
semen 3: 337
urinary incontinence 3: 224
vesicoureteral reflux 3: 229
prostate health 3:331; 4: 98
prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
3:249, 328, 330, 331, 333, 333 t
prostatitis 3:334
prosthetic eye 1:69, 88, 109–110
prosthetic limb 1:351
protein 3:3, 4; 4:99, 192–193, 201,
protein loading 4:229
proteinuria. Seealbuminuria
proton pump inhibitor (PPI)
medications 3: 59 , 85
protozoa 2:329, 348, 350
prurigo 1:186–187
pruritus 1:187–188, 187 t
PSA. Seeprostate-specific antigen
pseudofolliculitis barbae 1: 167 , 188
Pseudomonassp. 1:159, 180, 181t
psoralen plus ultraviolet A (PUVA)
phototherapy 1:184, 187, 207
psoriasis 1:188–190, 189 t, 190 t
psychiatric disorders and
psychologic conditions
psychogenic pain 1:383
psychoneuroimmunology 2:290
psychosis 3:362, 367, 381; 4:319,
332, 337, 339, 348
psychotherapy 3:381; 4:255, 314,
320, 331, 332, 351
psychotic disorder 3:371, 382
pterygium 1:110
ptosis 1:110
PTSD. Seepost-traumatic stress
puberty 1:131, 134, 164;
adolescence 4: 240
aging and endocrine changes
3: 110
breast 3: 249
childhood obesity 4: 291
endocrine system 3: 100
hypogonadism 3: 291
Klinefelter’s syndrome 3: 296
ova 3: 309
reproductive system 3:233, 236
secondary sexual characteristics
3: 337
sexuality 4: 252
sperm 3: 340
trichotillomania 3: 386
public health 2:305, 332, 343, 360,
community sanitation 4:17–18
Index 499