Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

fluoridation 4:24–25
functions of the mouth 1: 4
musculoskeletal system 1: 294
oral hygiene 1: 39
periodontal disease 1: 44
scurvy 4: 201
tobacco use other than smoking
4: 306
toothache 1:57
telangiectasis 1:203
telomere 4: 140 , 143
temporal lobe 1: 231 t,242, 260
temporomandibular disorders
tendon 1:294, 320–321, 336, 353,
355 , 359,359–360
tendonitis 1:297, 320–321, 352,
353 , 359–360
TENS. Seetranscutaneous electrical
nerve stimulation
tension headache 1:373, 376t
teratogenic medications 4:9, 12
teratogens 4:118, 120
terminal pain 1:384; 4: 347
aging and endocrine changes
3: 111
androgens 3: 113
cryptorchidism 3: 267
endocrine system 3: 100
estrogens 3: 126
FSH 3: 127
inhibin 3: 148
LH 3: 151
progesterone 3: 156
reproductive system 3: 233
testosterone 3: 160
testicles 3:343, 343 t
cryptorchidism 3: 267
epididymitis 3: 277
hydrocele 3: 291
orchiectomy 3: 307
orchiopexy 3: 308
orchitis 3: 308
scrotum 3: 337
sperm 3: 340
testicular self-examination
3: 346
varicocele 3: 353
testicular cancer 3:103, 267,
343–346, 344 t, 345 t,346; 4: 322
testicular self-examination (TSE)
3:255, 342, 344, 346
testicular torsion 3:346–347
testosterone 1:131, 310; 2:372,
381; 3:160

adrenal glands 3:107, 108
aging and endocrine changes
3: 111
aging and reproductive/sexual
changes 3: 243
anabolic steroids and steroid
precursors 4:321, 322
androgens 3: 113
andropause 3: 244
breast 3: 249
DHEA 3: 119
endocrine system 3:100, 103
hirsutism 3: 134
inhibin 3: 148
LH 3: 151
libido 3: 296
puberty 3: 335
reproductive system 3: 236
saw palmetto 4: 98
sperm 3: 342
testicles 3: 343
tetracycline 1:183; 2:318, 330, 350
tetralogy of Fallot 2:34, 39
thalamotomy 1: 241 , 286
thalamus 1:232, 286, 361
thalassemia 2:121, 125, 169–170
therapeutic equivalence 4: 158 , 172
therapeutic level 1:367; 4: 172 , 172
therapeutic window 4:172
thiazide diuretics 2:81, 81t
thimerosal 4:17, 31
thoracentesis 2:232
thoracic cavity 2:212, 214, 218,
thoracic duct 2:149, 155, 165, 170,
thoracotomy 2: 213 , 232–233
three-day measles. Seerubella
throat 1:57; 3:3, 42
bronchoscopy 2: 197
eustachian tube 1: 23
HPV 2: 336
measles 2: 343
obstructive sleep apnea 1: 39
peritonsillar abscess 1: 44
pertussis 2: 349
postnasal drip 1: 45
rheumatic heart disease 2: 103
strep throat 2:354–355
swallowing disorders 1:55–56
trachea 2: 233
throat culture 2:354, 355
thrombocythemia 2:136, 152, 161,
164 , 170–171, 170 t
thrombocytopenia 2:148, 161, 164,
171 , 171–172, 171 t

thrombolytic medications 2:57,
82–83, 83t, 86 t
thrombolytic therapy 2:107, 108,
110–111, 110 t, 225
thrombosis. Seeblood clots
thrush 1:57–58; 2:309, 314
thymectomy 2:121, 152, 172
thymosin 3: 100 , 160
thymus 1:339; 2:120–121, 123,
148, 172, 172,296; 3:100, 145,
thyroid cancer 3:115, 151, 152,
160–162, 164
thyroidectomy 3:141, 143, 146
thyroid gland 3:162–163, 163 t;
4: 225
calcitonin 3: 115
endocrine system 3:99, 100
euthyroid sick syndrome 3: 127
goiter 3: 128
Graves’ disease 3: 129
hyperthyroidism 3: 139
hypothalamus 3: 145
hypothyroidism 3: 145
parathyroid glands 3: 153
T 4 3: 166
thyroid cancer 3: 160
thyroiditis 3:163, 164
thyroid storm 3: 165
T 3 3: 166
thyroid hormone
bipolar disorder 3: 367
hyperthyroidism 3: 139
hypothyroidism 3: 145
thyroid gland 3: 162
thyroiditis 3: 163
thyroid nodules 3: 164
thyroid storm 3: 165
thyroiditis 3: 129 , 163–164, 163 t,
165, 166
thyroid nodule 3:164
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
3:111, 130, 139, 164–165
thyroid storm 3:165
Graves’ disease 3: 131
hyperthyroidism 3:140, 141
T 4 3: 166
thyroid cancer 3: 162
thyroiditis 3: 164
T 3 3: 166
thyrotoxicosis. Seehyperthyroidism
thyrotropin-releasing hormone
(TRH) 3:111, 139, 145, 146, 157,
thyroxine (T 4 ) 3:99, 130, 139, 146,
162 , 166; 4: 225

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