Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

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wart A growth, typically rough and raised, that
(HPV), which has numerous strains, causes com-
mon warts as well as variations including genital
warts (a common sexually transmitted disease)
and plantar warts which appear on the soles
(plantar surfaces) of the feet. Because common
warts are viral, physical contact can spread them
to other locations on the affected person’s body.
However, common warts rarely spread to other

Symptoms and Diagnostic Path
Most common warts begin with a small, rough,
raised bumps that can be the same color as the
surrounding skin or discolored (typically pale). As
they grow they take on the characteristic appear-
ance of warts. Small dark dots sometimes appear
inside the wart, which are clotted blood vessels
though people commonly call them wart seeds.
The “seed” of the wart is the HPV, and it is not vis-
ible. Warts seldom hurt or itch, though may do
either as well as bleed when they are in locations
that expose them to frequent irritation.

Treatment Options and Outlook

From a medical perspective, warts are harmless
and do not require treatment. Because common
warts continue to spread, however, it is prudent to
remove them when they are small and few.
Though the health consequence of warts is prima-
rily cosmetic, warts that cluster in areas such as
around the fingertips can create functional inter-
ference. Common therapies the dermatologist may
use for removing warts include

  • cryotherapy, such as treatment with liquid
    nitrogen, which freezes the wart

    • electrodesiccation, which cauterizes or burns
      off the wart

    • cantharidin, a topical chemical solution that
      forms a BLISTERwhich raises the wart from the

  • topical salicylic acid, which chemically destroys
    the wart

Surgical remedies such as excision or laser ther-
apy are effective and may be necessary for warts
that resist other efforts, though they have substan-
tially greater risks, including INFECTIONand scar-
ring. Oddly enough, an application of duct tape
over the wart appears as successful as any other
therapy for causing common warts to resolve.
Most over-the-counter products for wart removal
require multiple applications though are ulti-
mately successful for those who are patient.
Because they are viral, common warts tend to
recur for as long as the HPV remains in the body,
and HPV is extraordinarily difficult to eradicate.

Risk Factors and Preventive Measures
The risk factor for common warts is exposure to
HPV, which is pervasive. Preventive measures
include frequent and regular HAND WASHINGand
refraining from picking at or scratching existing
warts. Prompt treatment to remove warts while
they are small and restricted to a fairly contained
area helps to limit their spread.

wheal A raised, blisterlike LESIONon the SKINthat
usually results from an intradermal injection such
as for allergy skin testing or the tuberculin skin
test. Wheals also may occur in response to insect
stings and topical allergic reactions (URTICARIAor

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