Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

immunodeficiency 274
tumor markers 395
chest pain 35, 35 t, 95
chest percussion and postural
drainage 190, 195, 199, 202
Cheyne-Stokes respiration 184,
chickenpox 315–316,332, 350
childhood diseases. See specific
diseases, e.g.:chickenpox
children 71,260, 306, 322–323
China, ancient 6, 304
chlamydia 317, 317 t
cholera 317–318
cholesterol, dietary 36, 49
cholesterol blood levels 35–37, 35 t,
36 t
apoB100 16–17
atherosclerosis 21, 22
atherosclerotic plaque 22
diabetes and cardiovascular
disease 48–49
heart attack 57
hyperlipidemia 64–66
hypertension 67
lifestyle and cardiovascular
health 73
soy and cardiovascular health
triglyceride blood level 112
chromosomal disorders 63, 143
chromosome 6 267, 282
chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) 199–201, 200 t
anthracosis 183
breathing exercises 194
bronchitis 196
cyanosis 46
dyspnea 203
interstitial lung disorders 205
living with chronic pulmonary
conditions 207
oxygen-carbon dioxide
exchange 216
pneumoconiosis 220
pulmonary fibrosis 226
smoking and pulmonary disease
thoracotomy 232
Churg-Strauss syndrome 299t
CICU (cardiac intensive care unit)
cigarettes. Seesmoking
cilia 230, 233
ciprofloxacin 353, 360
circle of Willis 5, 37

circumflex artery 40–41, 43
cisterna chyli 134,149, 155, 165,
CJD. SeeCreutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Clostridium botulinum312, 313
clotting factor inhibitors 14, 78
clotting factors 134–136, 134 t–135t
anticoagulation therapy 14
blood 127
blood transfusion 129
coagulation 136
DIC 137
hemophilia 143
platelet 163
platelet aggregation 163
vitamin K 173
clusters of differentiation 254
CMV. Seecytomegalovirus
coagulation 136, 136
anticoagulation therapy 13–16,
15 t
antiphospholipid antibodies 249
clotting factors 134
DIC 137
hematopoiesis 141
medications to treat
cardiovascular disease 83
platelet 119, 163
thrombocythemia 170
thrombocytopenia 171
vitamin K 173
von Willebrand’s disease 174
coagulation cascade 144, 163, 173,
coal worker’s pneumoconiosis
(CWP) 183, 205, 219
cocaine 11, 17, 111
coccidioidomycosis 318–319, 318 t
cognitive function and dysfunction
107, 344, 356
colds 303, 319, 354
collagen 119, 266
colon 260, 307
colony-stimulating factors (CSFs)
254, 276
colorectal cancer 370, 374, 394
common variable
immunodeficiency (CVID) 255
community sanitation 360, 363
complement 239, 255
complement cascade 255–256
antibody-mediated immunity
corticosteroid medications 256
hypersensitivity reaction 268
immune response 272–273

immune system 236
immunoglobulin 275
immunosuppressive medications
mononuclear phagocyte system
complement factors 236, 255, 277
congenital heart disease 5–6, 34,
37–40, 38 t,61, 102, 183
congestive heart failure 16, 31, 58,
76, 124
conjunctivitis 240, 317
connective tissue 55, 391
consumption (tuberculosis) 304,
continuous positive airway pressure
(CPAP) 214, 223
COPD. Seechronic obstructive
pulmonary disease
coping with cancer 377
coronary arteries 40–41
angina pectoris 11
aorta 16
atherectomy 21
atherosclerosis 21
CABG 41–43
cardiac catheterization 28
echocardiogram 51
heart 4, 56
IHD 70
Kawasaki disease 71
myocardial infarction 86
myocardium 88
stent 106
coronary artery bypass graft
(CABG) 41–43
angina pectoris 12
angioplasty 12–13
CAD 44
cardiac catheterization 28
cardiac rehabilitation 30
cardiovascular system 7
heart attack 57
myocardial infarction 87
open heart surgery 90
coronary artery disease (CAD)
43–45, 45 t
angina pectoris 11
anticoagulation therapy 14
apoB100 16
arrhythmia 17
atherosclerotic plaque 22
CABG 41–43
cardiac catheterization 28
coagulation 136

410 Index

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