obesity and cardiovascular
disease 90
pacemaker 93
PAT 94
respiration rate 227
valvular heart disease 114
heart sounds 60
auscultation 191
breath sounds 195
gallop 55
heart murmur 59–60
stethoscope 106
heart transplantation 60–63
cardiac rehabilitation 30
cardiovascular system 6, 7
congenital heart disease 39
lung transplantation 214
VADs 116
heart valves 54, 55, 86, 103, 353.
See alsovalvular heart disease
heavy-metal poisoning 46, 193,
Heimlich maneuver 187, 203
Helicobacter pylori284, 370
helper T-cell (CD4 cell). SeeCD4 cell
hemapheresis 130, 132–133,
141–142, 141 t, 142 t, 163
hematoma 142
hematopoiesis 140, 140–141, 140 t,
141 t
anemia 125
blood 127
blood stem cells 129
bone marrow 132
EPO 138
erythrocyte 137
leukemia 146
leukocyte 148
lymphocyte 152
monocyte 157
myelodysplasia syndrome 160
reticulocyte 165
thalassemia 170
hemochromatosis 122, 129, 169
hemoglobin 142
aging, changes in the blood and
lymph that occur with 123
alveolus 183
anemia 124
EPO 138
erythrocyte 137
erythrocytes 119
methemoglobinemia 156
oxygen-carbon dioxide
exchange 216
oxygen saturation 216
reticulocyte 165
sickle cell disease 165
smoking and cardiovascular
disease 105
smoking and pulmonary disease
thalassemia 169
hemolysis 142–143, 143 t
anemia 125
E. coliinfection 324
erythrocytes 119
hematopoiesis 141
sickle cell disease 167
thalassemia 169
hemolytic anemia 125, 311
hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)
311, 324
hemophilia 121, 136, 143–144
hemoptysis 195, 197, 204, 204,
204 t
hemorrhage 19, 110
hemorrhagic fevers 331–332, 331 t
hemorrhagic stroke 107, 110
Henoch-Schönlein purpura 300t
heparin 14, 15t,76, 78, 96
hepatitis 130, 136, 263, 315, 327,
hepatitis B virus (HBV) 315, 373
hepatitis C 158, 278
hepatomegaly 160, 164, 168
herbal remedies 76, 237, 367
heredity and heart disease 63–64
herpes, genital. Seegenital herpes
herpes simplex 332
herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1)
327–328, 332
herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2)
327–329, 332
herpesvirus 315, 320–321,
323–324, 327, 350
herpes zoster 316, 332–333, 332 t
Hib. See Haemophilus influenzae
type b
hiccup 204
high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
(HDL-C) 36, 49, 82, 90
histamine 240, 245, 247, 258, 260,
266–267, 273
histocompatability locus antigens.
Seehuman leukocyte antigens
histoplasmosis 265, 333
HIV. Seehuman immunodeficiency
HIV/AIDS 333–335, 334 t, 335 t
antiviral medications 309
aspergillosis 185
blood and lymph medical
traditions 122
blood donation 128
blood transfusion 130
cancer risk factors 370
candidiasis 315
clusters of differentiation 254
CMV 320
cryptococcosis 319, 320
Epstein-Barr virus 324
genital herpes 328
histoplasmosis 333
immune system 236–237
immunodeficiency 274
infection 338
infectious diseases 305
influenza 339
listeriosis 341
necrotizing fasciitis 346
neutropenia 161
opportunistic infections 347
pericarditis 95
pneumonia 221
SALT 295
syphilis 356
T-cell lymphocyte 296
thrombocytopenia 171
toxoplasmosis 357
tuberculosis 359, 360
virus 362
HLAs. Seehuman leukocyte
HLHS. Seehypoplastic left heart
Hodgkin’s lymphoma 152–153,
319, 366
homocysteine 64
H1 receptor 247, 248, 267
honey, unpasteurized 312, 313
hormone 5, 137, 172, 374
hormone-driven cancers 381, 382
hormone replacement therapy
(HRT) 10, 381
hormone therapy 372, 381
hospital infections (nosocomial
infections) 347
HPV. Seehuman papillomavirus
HRT. Seehormone replacement
HSV-1. Seeherpes simplex virus 1
HSV-2. Seeherpes simplex virus 2
H3 receptor 247–248, 267
human ehrlichiosis 335–336
human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV) 305, 338, 362. See also
Index 415