Growing Food: A Guide to Food Production
can be cured with drainage, or fungicides such as Apron. YIELD Buckwheat yields globally in 2004 were estimated by FAO at 1.09 M ...
Maize Zea mays Corn, Mealies, Indian Corn, American Corn Mais, Blé de Turquie, Turquet (French); Kukuruz, Turkischer, Weizen (Ge ...
Sweetcorn Maize Zea mays var. saccharata. Less sugar (sucrose) is converted into starch than in other maize types, so the grain ...
However, locally produced varieties have a limited genetic resource, and introduced varieties, with years of international plant ...
compensating for different plant populations, which can vary from between about 15,000 and 90,000 plants per hectare. In general ...
Sorghum Borer—very similar to Stem/Stalk Borer, but chemical control is very uncertain. Burn all infected plant material. Africa ...
UTILISATION More than 500 products are obtained from maize, which is used in three main ways: Human food, especially in the trop ...
The millets are various grass crops that are harvested for animal and human food. Sorghum is known as “millet” in parts of Afric ...
Little or Kutki Millet—Panicum sumatrense (Syn. P. miliare). Grown throughout India but not very important elsewhere. Can surviv ...
Seed spacing: often interplanted with other cereals or legumes. Several seeds are often planted in stations 1.5–2 m apart, which ...
FOXTAIL MILLET Setaria italica ( Syn. Panicum italicum, Chaetochloa italica) Italian Millet, German Millet, Hungarian Millet, Si ...
Temperature: warm weather is needed for plant development. Rainfall: it is more of a “drought avoiding” species than a truly “dr ...
most other millets or made into beer, for local consumption. It often produces some yield where other cereal crops would have fa ...
needed. In India the whole plant is either pulled up or cut off at ground level, then stacked in the field until dry. UTILISATIO ...
The grain is high in carbohydrate and contains more protein than other cereals (up to almost 20%) and 5–9% of highly unsaturated ...
YIELD The global average yield of oats in 2004 was 2.2 MT/ha according to FAO, though 7 or 8 MT/ha is possible in good growing c ...
Rice Oryza sativa Amharic); Ruzii (Oromifa); Bariis (Somali); Vreejay, Oreeji, Wriji (Pashtu); Brenj, Shali (Dari); Dhan chaval ...
world. In North America and other countries: very early maturing (96–117 days); In India: very early (less than 110 days); early ...
optimum temperature is 30–35 C. The seed can germinate under water, but more slowly than when planted into moist soil. Soil: hea ...
Upland rice—900 mm minimum during the growth period, or many light (^3) /ha. For both types of rice the two most critical period ...
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