soybeans being so widespread. Russia and China together produce nearly 80%
of the world production.
rapidly become tough and lose their flavour after harvest due to loss of sugars.
Compared to dried grain they have less protein, fat and carbohydrate. USA and
the UK are the largest producers of green peas.
ensilaged. When grown for hay, peas are often grown mixed together with a
cereal crop.
Arachis hypogaea
Peanut, Mani, Monkeynut, Earth Nut, Goober Pea, Pindar, Valencia/Spanish Peanut;
Arachide (French); Erdnub, Erdnuss (German); Cacahué, Cachuate, Cacahuete,
Maní (Spanish); Amendoim (Portuguese); Jingooba, Olongupa, Olongumba
(Angola); Foul Sudani (Sudan); Foul (Tigray); Ochioloni and Loozii (Ethiopia);
Mungphali (Hindi, Urdu, Pashtu and Dari).
There are two main types of the tropical legume crop groundnut: Bunch and
Spreading (or Runner). The genus Arachis has literally scores of species, all of
which are generally considered to be native to South America, particularly Matto
Grosso State in Brazil.
They are annual plants, but can survive as short-lived perennials in frost-free
regions. Despite its various names the fruit is a legume, or pod, and not a true nut.
After the (normally yellow) flowers are fertilised, almost always by self-
pollination, the stalk which bears the ovary turns down towards the soil surface, and
is then known as a “peg” or carpophore. The peg enters the soil and the ovary
develops there into a seed pod containing 1–4 seeds (the small Valencia varieties
may have 5).
protein, minerals and vitamins than beef liver, more fat than heavy cream and more
calories than sugar.
• • • • • • • • •
Green, immature peas and pods—these are also very nutritious, though they
Leaves are used as a potherb in Burma and parts of Africa.
Animal food—the pods and haulm are a valuable animal food, either dried or
The main problem with peas is their susceptibility to diseases
The seed/grain can be heavily attacked by insects during storage.
The crop can only be safely grown on the same land every 3–5 years.
The food value quickly deteriorates when the grain is stored, processed or
Yields are often rather low.
The crop can be difficult to harvest.
T he “nut” has formidable nutritional value; weight for weight, it has more