Growing Food: A Guide to Food Production

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which is present in large quantities in groundnut seed, could help to combat

helps the body to produce macrophages that combat some liver diseases.



Haricot (French) bean
Phaseolus vulgaris

Black Bean, Green Bean, French Bean, Common Bean, Field Bean , Pole Bean ,
(Red) Kidney Bean , Navy Bean, Pea Bean , Pinto Bean, Salad Bean, String
Bean, Snap Bean. Flageolet, Frijoles; Haricot Commun, Haricot Vert, Haricot Pain,
Haricot à Couper (French); (Garten)bohne, Fisole (German); Frijol(es), Judía Verde,
Judía Comun, Alubia Tierna, Frijol Verde, Poroto Comun (Latin America), Ejote
(Mexico); Feijão da Índia, F. Ervilha, F. Colubrino (Portuguese); Bollokeh, Zada-
adagonna, Adagura (Tigray); Adenguaré, Bolooqee(Ethiopia); Edihimba, Ojoo,
Fasulia (Sudan); Tua Phum, Tua Kack (Thailand); Jungli Sem (Hindi); Mula,
Michigan Pea Bean (Philippines)

Broad (Horse or Field) Beans are also called Field Beans.
Lima Beans, Runner Beans and Hyacinth Beans are also called Pole Beans

Pea Bean is the name often used in the commercial grain trade.

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Mycobacterium tuberculosis Tuberculosis. Arginine boosts nitric oxide, which —

Teiko (Uganda); Bush Bean (Zimbabwe); Feijão Ervilha, Ochipokeh


Groundnut oil is used in margarine and cooking oil, and for lubricants; there are
more than 300 by-products, including flour, soap, shaving cream and plastics.
Whole groundnuts for human consumption, roasted, peanut butter, etc, and for
fattening pigs.

about 50% protein and is used for cattle cake, pig and poultry food and fertiliser.

Seedcake or oilcake, the residue left after the oil has been extracted, contains

Hay, about 7% protein, can be valuable if plenty of leaves remain on the plant.
Sometimes the whole plant, including pods, is fed to livestock.
Recent research in Sweden indicates that the amino acid arginine (or “arg”),

Groundnut seeds mature unevenly, they are delicate and must be stored and
handled very carefully.

Growing a crop requires high labour input unless systems are mechanised.

Danger of Aflatoxins developing, causing liver damage and cancer—see

Some groundnut varieties have a long seed dormancy.
Germination falls rapidly if the seed is stored out of the pod or in hot and humid


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Kidney Beans in the USA are a specific type, with a definite kidney shape and
seeds which are either red, dark red or white.

Ochipokeh is a general name for “beans” (“Chitanga” is for all types of climbing


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