Growing Food: A Guide to Food Production

(Elle) #1


carotene; the roots are used as a vegetable, and in soups, stews, curries, etc.
They can also pickled, canned and dehydrated. The juice can be extracted,



Cucurbita spp.

The gourd family Cucurbitaceae has a great range of species and sub-species, some
of which have evolved to survive in extreme climatic conditions, such as the Tsava
melons of the Kalahari which survive years of drought as seed.
Cucurbits are relatively robust and easy to grow, and from their origins in
northern Mexico and southwest America have spread throughout the warmer regions
of the globe. They were one of the first crops cultivated by man, and Cucurbita pepo
(vegetable marrow, gourd, pumpkin or summer squash) is thought to have been
cultivated since 7000 BC.
Identification of all the many genera, species and sub-species is often difficult
and confusing, especially as different people often use different names to identify
the same crop. The plants are mainly the vigorous climbing or trailing types, and
there are both perennial and annual species. They are often named according to the

Maincrop carrots for winter storing can be left in the ground until well into the
winter. Carrots can be stored, but for this to succeed the roots must not touch each
other and must be dry (unwashed) - sand or peat is ideal, in any container such as a
barrel or tea-chest, which must be ventilated; damaged roots should not be stored.

the crookneck squash, (Turks) turban gourd and banana squash. To add yet further to

season in which they mature, or according to their shape, providing for example

scallops and acorns.

the confusion there are a number of local or popular names, such as Hubbards,


Human food—carrots are a good source of Vitamin A, converted from

Animal food—roots and tops are sometimes fed to animals.

Carrots have low nutritive value, apart from Vitamin A and about 7% sugars.

which can be added to orange and other juices.

Seed—contains an essential oil, used for flavouring and perfumes.

The plants are susceptible to damage by the Carrot Root Fly.
In warm or humid conditions carrots have a short storage period.

Chayote, Courgette (Zucchini), Cucumber, Cushaw, Gherkin, Gourd, Loofah,
Marrow, Melon, Pumpkin, Squash (winter and summer), Watermelon; Potiron,
Citrouille, Courge {Courge à la moelle = marrow} (French); Ayote {=C. mixta},
Gartenkurbis {=marrow} (German); Calabaza (Spanish); Abóbora {=pumpkin},
Abobrinha {=courgette}, Cabaça {=gourd} (Portuguese); Sitaphal (Hindi); Kadu
(Pashtu and Dari).

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