Growing Food: A Guide to Food Production

(Elle) #1


Nitrates 6–8, 20, 27, 29, 30, 32
Nitrobacter 7
Nitrogen 25, 29

  • Cycle 6–8

  • fixation 54

  • flush / Birch effect 33
    Nitrosomonas 7

OatsAvena sativa125–127
OcaOxalis tuberosa 204
Off-type plants 45
Oilseed Crops 189–203
OkraAbelmoschus esculentus
Oleaceae (Olive family) 244
OnionAllium cepa234–237
Organic fertiliser 30–31
Organic matter 12
Ovary, ovule 2

Pomelo (Shaddock) 254 , 255, 305, 308
PRA—Participatory Rural Appraisal
Papain 262, 263
Papaya/PawpawCarica papaya
Parthenocarpy 3
Peanut/GroundnutArachis hypogaea
Pearl/Bulrush Millet Pennisetum
typhoides 120
Peas—see Field Pea
Pellagra 118
PeppersCapsicum spp. 237–239
Perennial plants 36
Permanent wilting point 9

Phosphorus 25
Photoperiodism/Day Length 42
Photosynthesis 5, 27, 39 , 106
Pigeon Pea 179–181
Pioneer crops 64
Pistil/Pistillate 1, 2

Plant density 4

  • food ratio 32

  • population/spacing 4

  • propagation 1
    Plantains 168, 247, 248 , 252
    Poaceae [Graminae] (Grass family)
    128, 142, 143, 221
    Pollen 1 ,114–115, 152, 243, 245, 270
    Pollination1–3, 41, 114, 133, 137,
    156, 246, 282
    Potassium 26
    PotatoSolanum tuberosum208–212
    Poultry manure 31
    Precocious varieties 43

Pulses—see Legumes
Pumpkin 229
Pyrethrum 79, 80

Radicle 6
Ragi—see Finger Millet
Recalcitrant seed 51
Respiration 39
Rhizobia 54–55
Rhizome 41
RiceOryza sativa128–132
Ricin 190, 192
Rogue plants 45
Root Crops 204–220
Root System 6
Rosaceae (Rose family) 244
Rotation of crops 65–66, 107–287
Rotenone 65, 79 , 80,163
Rutaceae (Citrus fruit family) 244
Rutin 112
RyeSecale cereale133–135

SI System of measurement 313
SafflowerCarthamus tinctorius 189 ,
196, 294
Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciaefolia) 21,
Saline soil 15–17

Protandry/Protogyny 3

pH value 20–23

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