Salt tolerance in plants 16–17, 130
Saprophytes 84
Secondary nutrients 24
Secur 57
- germination46–51, 76, 89, 111,
116 - inoculation 54–57
- longevity 51
- moisture content 100
- rate 52
- recalcitrant 51
- storage life 103
- treatment/dressing 57
- viability 50
- vigour 50, 100
Seedless fruit 3, 243
Self-pollination 2,3
SesameSesamum indicum198–200
Sesbania drummondii 68
Shaddock (Pomelo) 254 , 255, 305, 308
Shade crops 64–65
Shade plants/Sun plants 40
Shattering of seed 42, 76, 200
Short-day/Long-day plants 42
Silage 72
SiratroMacroptilium atropurpureum
Slugs 78, 211
Slurry 31
Smother crops 64
Sodium 15, 16, 18, 23, 28 , 29 , 96, 99
Soil11–19 - acid / pH value 20–23
- analysis 18–20
- capping / crusting 14
- profile 9,11
- saline 15–17, 130
- texture 9,19
- triangle 19
- type 19
Solanaceae (Nightshade family) 221
Solanine 209
Storage of food and seed 100–103
Striga/Witch Weed 63, 89–90, 121,
136, 138, 140, 310
Strobiluron fungicides 86
Subsoil 11
Sulphur 26, 27
Sun plants/Shade plants 40
SunflowerHelianthus annuus 201–203
Sunn Hemp/Crotalaria Crotalaria
juncea 65, 70, 89
Support crops 62
Sweet PotatoIpomoea batatas212–214
Swidden 65
Synonym 36
TaroColocasia spp. 215–217
Taxonomy 36
TeffEragrostis tef 140–143
Temperature—effect on plants 40
TeosinteEuchlaena mexicana 89 , 289
Tepary Bean Phaseolus acutifolius
var. latifolius 282 – 284
TGW (thousand grain weight) 52, 153
TomatoLycopersicon esculentum
Tools 92–93
Top dressing 35 , 120, 127, 145, 264
Trace elements 23–29
Transpiration 39
Trap crops 63, 64, 80, 89
Triazole fungicides 86
TriticaleTriticosecale 16, 59, 108,
Tuber 41, 44
SorghumSorghum bicolor135–140
SoybeanGlycine max182–185
Split dressing 34
Spring varieties 59
Squash 229
Stamen/Staminate 2
Stigma 1
Stolon (runner) 41
Stomata 9, 26, 39