he spread of chivalric ideals led to
notable historical figures being framed
as great knights in the medieval tradition. In
western Europe, this popular idea was forged
into the canon of the Nine Worthies (Neuf Preux)
in Jacques de Longuyon’s Vows of the Peacock in
- These Worthies exemplified chivalric values
and virtues. Pagan, Jewish, and Christian, they
represented three distinct chapters in chivalric
history. The first trio were Trojan hero Hector,
Greek conqueror Alexander the Great, and
Roman general Julius Caesar. The second were
from the Old Testament: Joshua, King David,
and Judas Maccabeus. The last trio were King
Arthur, Charlemagne, and Godfrey of Bouillon,
the most recent addition.
Painted in the 15th century,
this fresco depicts the
Nine Worthies and
can be found in the
Castello della Manta
in Saluzzo, Italy.