National Geographic History - USA (2022-03 & 2022-04)

(Maropa) #1


around the figure of one of the most recognized
knights of Christendom. This mixture of lit-
erary evocation, embellishment of reality, and
celebration of chivalric values developed over a
long period in medieval Europe, and especially
in the Anglo-French world.

William Marshal
One knight who was well known in both France
and England was William Marshal (circa 1146-
1219). He served as royal adviser to four English
kings: Henry II, Richard I (popularly known as
the Lionheart), John, and Henry III. Even mem-
bers of the French court grudgingly acknowl-
edged that he was the best knight in the world.
William guided these four kings wisely through
numerous crises and dangers, making his name
synonymous with the model of the chivalric
virtues of his time.
The details of Marshal’s life have been pre-
served in a literary account commissioned
by one of his sons, L’histoire de Guillaume le
Maréchal, written in Old French verse. Its lines
chart Marshal’s meteoric career, from leaving his
father’s house to train as a knight (as a second
son, this path was expected) to the final hours
of his life. Although Marshal was no ordinary
knight, the account does offer much insight into
what life was like for knights in general at the
time. There is a description of Marshal’s training
in the house of the powerful Norman nobleman
Guillaume de Tancarville, who was his mother’s
uncle; his investiture as a knight in 1166; and his
first military campaign.
Soon, young Marshal would find an activ-
ity that would shape his life and become a true
passion: the tournament. These contests were
far more brutal than the folk pageant versions
celebrated today: more like battles than games.
Young knights took part, either individually or in
teams, hoping for a chance to demonstrate their
fighting prowess and perhaps win themselves
fame and fortune.





Although Marshal was no

ordinary knight, the account

of his life offers insights into

what life was like for knights

in general at the time.

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