The Scientist - USA (2022 - Spring)

(Maropa) #1
In this episode, The Scientist’s Creative Services Team spoke
with Evangelos Kiskinis, an assistant professor at Northwestern
University Feinberg School of Medicine, about his work modeling
drug-resistant epilepsies using induced pluripotent stem cells
(iPSCs), a technique that offers novel disease management
solutions that could translate to the clinic.

Assistant Professor Neurology and Physiology
Robertson Investigator, New York
Stem Cell Foundation
Scientific Director, Stem Cell Core Facility
Northwestern University Feinberg
School of Medicine


chance to go back in time to study fungal
evolution. For Peck, this meant an oppor-
tunity to better understand the history of
fungal disease in coffee plants—and per-
haps identify new ways to beat it.
Specifically, Peck was interested in
Fusarium xylarioides, a fungal species that
causes coffee wilt disease in crops in Ethio-
pia and other countries in eastern and cen-
tral Africa. This disease, which affects mainly
Coffea arabica and C. robusta and was first
detected in the 1920s, causes leaves to dry
out, restricts water transport, and eventually
kills the plant. In the 1950s, an international
collaboration to reduce the spread of the
disease temporarily brought the endemic
pathogen under control with improved
crop hygiene and breeding, according to
Peck. But in the 1970s, it reemerged. Since
then, the fungus has evolved into “these two
very distinct post-1970 populations that we
see today—one on arabica coffee in Ethio-
pia, and one on robusta coffee in the Congo
Basin,” Peck says.

To understand how the fungus had
changed over the past few decades, Peck
and her team rehydrated the samples with
water to reawaken a total of six pre-1970s
F. xylarioides strains from the CABI col-
lection. The team dubbed these strains,

which were responsible for outbreaks of
coffee wilt disease in the middle of the
last century, Coffea after their host plant
genus. After checking the fungal spores
under a microscope to rule out contami-
nation, Peck extracted DNA from the sam-

ples and sent it for sequencing in a lab at
the University of Cambridge.
Analyzing the data from these and sam-
ples from both modern populations, the
researchers found that robusta-infecting
F. xylarioides bore strong genetic similar-
ities to the preserved Coffea strains. The
results suggest that “the robusta [fun-
gal] population emerged from within a
wider recombining population of [Cof-
fea] strains from the initial pre-1970s
outbreak,” Peck writes in an email, “whilst
the arabica population appears to have
diverged separately and shares a com-
mon ancestor with both the [Coffea] and
robusta strains” of F. xylarioides.
The findings showed that the two mod-
ern populations are genetically distinct,
Peck says, adding that she is intrigued by
the possibility that they have evolved to
be host-specific. The research also found
that both modern F. xylarioides strains
share genes with F. oxysporum, a fun-
gal strain that causes wilting in banana

These sinister strains once
presented a deadly threat to
coffee and other important
crop plants.


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