The Scientist - USA (2022 - Spring)

(Maropa) #1


ince the 1990s, nanopores have been
used for sequencing strands of DNA.
A voltage is applied across the nano-
pore, which is embedded in a thin lipid
membrane, causing a stretch of DNA to
thread through the pore. A helicase enzyme
then methodically pulls the molecule back
through. As this happens, the nitrogenous
bases that make up the DNA affect the ion
current flowing through the pore, and by
measuring these current changes, research-
ers can decode the DNA sequence. Now,
biophysicist Cees Dekker of Delft University
of Technology in the Netherlands and col-
leagues have repurposed this technology for
deciphering amino acid differences among
peptides (Science, 374:1509–13, 2021).
Dekker’s team starts by linking a syn-
thetic peptide with the 5’ end of a sin-
gle strand of DNA. After a zap of volt-
age sends the conjugated molecule
through the nanopore, the Hel308 heli-
case walks on the DNA section, pulling
both the DNA and the attached pep-
tide back through the nanopore. As with
DNA sequencing, ratcheting the peptide
through the nanopore changes the ion
current, and the researchers can link the
changes to a specific sequence of amino
acids in their designed peptide. The tar-
get peptide is read in this way multiple
times, threading back through the pore
as the helicase falls off and being pulled
back through again by another, improv-
ing the technique’s fidelity. In a proof-of-
principle study, the researchers were able
to distinguish three different 26-amino-
acid-long peptides that only varied by a
single amino acid.
The method cannot be used to decode
protein sequences without a known ref-
erence for comparison, however. That’s
because not only does the amino acid at
the pore’s entrance affect the ion current,

but the eight surrounding amino acids do
as well. “Right now, it is not yet a full de
novo sequencing tool,” Dekker writes in an
email to The Scientist. “Yet it is very power-
ful since we showed that by changing even
a single amino acid within the chain, we
observed dramatic differences in the cur-
rent step signals.” The new method there-
fore could be useful for detecting amino
acid mutations or identifying the presence
of a specific peptide of interest within a
mixture of proteins, he says.
In theory, this method is “perfect” for
analyzing proteins, says Giovanni Maglia,
a chemical biologist at the University of
Groningen who recently published a prote-
asome-nanopore that can unfold proteins
for sequencing. The helicase is already
known to work for DNA sequencing, he
notes, and it pulls the DNA through the
pore in a controlled way. Maglia points
out that the approach is limited to pep-
tides that are 26 amino acids or shorter,
however. This is because the helicase sits

on top of the pore and can only pull the
molecule by its DNA tail.
Dekker acknowledges this limitation
but notes that this read length is enough
to discriminate all proteins in the human
proteome if they are broken into pieces.
Also, the nanopore-based approach requires
smaller samples than does mass spectrom-
etry—a commonly used protein analysis
approach—and would be able to detect
rare variants, something mass spec can’t,
Dekker says. g

A Nanopore Protein Reader

Researchers link a stretch of DNA to a peptide of interest and measure changes
in electrical current as the molecule is pulled by a helicase through a nanopore.


PULL AND READ: In a proof-of-concept study,
researchers show that nanopore sequencing tech-
niques can be used to interrogate the sequence of
a peptide. First they link the peptide to a stretch of
DNA and apply a voltage to feed the conjugated
molecule through a nanopore embedded in a thin
membrane. A helicase molecule then walks along
the DNA strand, effectively pulling the DNA and
attached peptide back through the pore. As the
peptide passes through, changes in the current
across the membrane can be measured, providing
clues to the amino acid composition of that stretch
of the peptide.






Voltage applied to
produce a current

Eight amino acids
affect current

Motion of


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