muscle or fat cells in vitro. Lucy Lee,
an expert in fish cell culture at the Uni-
versity of the Fraser Valley in Canada,
explains that the selection step is criti-
cal. The choice of cell line will determine
the taste of the cultured meat as well as
the technical parameters—time, tem-
perature, and nutrients, for instance—
needed to grow the cells on scaffolds or
other structures to produce a 3D prod-
uct, says Lee, who advised the Califor-
nia-based company Finless Foods on the
development of a tuna muscle cell line.
Researchers also have to look for cells
that can grow continuously. To make any
cultured meat sustainable, a cell line
ought to grow and maintain particular
features—including cells’ shape, size,
and ability to differentiate into different
types—forever, so that researchers don’t
have to keep starting over. This works
for some cell lines: Lee’s group has been
growing the same line of muscle cells
from killifish—a small fish that’s not very
good to eat but is great for research due
to its short lifespan—since at least 2014.
But other organisms have proved trick-
ier. “I haven’t been able to grow shell-
fish cell cultures continuously,” she says.
“Although I can get them to grow a long
time, they sort of die off after about nine,
ten passages”—one passage being a cul-
turing step where cell samples are har-
vested and transferred to a new culture
dish with fresh media. “That’s one big
struggle that people are still working on.”
To address this issue, UK-based cul-
tured meat biotech HigherSteaks Ltd is
focusing on induced pluripotent stem
cells (iPSCs), which, like other stem
cells, have no problem dividing indefi-
nitely. These cells “have huge growth
potential,” explains Ruth Faram, the
company’s chief scientific officer.
Using iPSCs has other advantages for
cell agriculture, too: it allows research-
ers to produce multiple tissue types from
a single cell line. “When you think about
what meat is, it’s not just muscle, it’s not
just fat, it’s a concoction of cells,” Faram
says, adding that a single iPSC can be
nudged with growth factors and molec-
ular signals to become either muscle or
fat. At the moment, she says, her team is
most excited about an iPSC line devel-
oped in-house by reprogramming a sam-
ple collected noninvasively from a pig.
The work at HigherSteaks is still in the
development phase, but Faram says that
the group’s cell line differentiates well
into muscle and fat.
It’s unclear how widespread the iPSC
approach is more generally, as compa-
nies don’t typically share this informa-
tion publicly. In a summary from the
Good Food Institute curating 47 com-
mercially available or in-development
cell lines appropriate for use in cellular
agriculture, however, only a handful are
classified as stem cell–like, while the rest
are proliferative cells committed to a cell
fate such as muscle or fat.
Meating market demand
Making cultivated meat viable on a com-
mercial scale carries challenges beyond
those associated with regular cell culture.
Typically, cells in culture grow affixed to
flat dishes, but in order to get to the vol-
ume needed for eventual commercializa-
tion, the goal is to use bioreactors, vessels
with a capacity of 200,000 liters or more in
which the cells grow in liquid suspension
containing nutrients and growth factors,
and often small beads, or microcarriers,
made of gelatin, glass, or plastic that the
cells can adhere to.
Scaling up comes with an accompanying
problem: cost. “In my lab, I can produce, in
a test tube, maybe a gram of cells,” explains
Lee, who is currently working with a rain-
bow trout muscle cell line. (She says that
she has tasted it and “it does taste like fish.”)
But “that’s a tiny, tiny little sample.... When
you add up the culture ingredients, the time,
the supplies, it’s about five hundred dollars
a gram. So who’s going to buy rainbow trout
for five hundred dollars a gram?”
One of the most expensive parts of cul-
turing cells in the lab concerns the choice
of growth media, which typically contain
nutrients, vitamins, minerals, growth fac-
tors, and proteins. The source of many of
these components in traditional cell cul-
ture media is fetal bovine serum. Lexi
Duscher, a molecular biologist who works
with Ovissipour at Virginia Tech, explains
that this serum costs up to $800 per liter
and also comes with other issues, includ-
ing variability and ethical questions about
how it’s sourced.
According to Bomkamp, there are
some serum-free options out there that
could avoid the variability and ethical
issues. But “the serum-free formulations
that exist are [mostly] coming from the
pharma industry” for growing cell lines
while controlling as many variables as pos-
sible, she adds. “They’re not produced with
food-compatible cost structures in mind,
so of course they’re expensive.”
Even with the best serum-free media,
though, most cells won’t grow as quickly
as those cultured with serum, because
the level of nutrients, vitamins, and min-
erals is lower. This in itself can bump up
costs: “For cultured meat... the longer it
takes for the cells to divide, the longer the
process will take, the more money it will
cost, and then ultimately the end product
will be much more expensive,” says Mar-
tina Miotto, chief scientific officer and
cofounder of CellulaREvolution, a UK-
based biotech working on improving cell
culture for cultivated meat and biomed-
ical applications. Finding cells that grow
well in serum-free conditions is essential,
Miotto explains, which reinforces the need
to choose starting cells carefully.
The team at CellulaREvolution is work-
ing on a bioreactor that will allow simul-
taneous harvest of cells while prolifera-
In 2020, financial investment in the area passed $350 mil lion—
double the investment of all previ ous years combined.